Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Some stuffs from IKEA for Ethan

Today the place we visited was nearby the IKEA so we told our driver to drop us at IKEA and hoped that we can have lunch and buy Ethan stuffs at the same time. At last we didn't have our lunch at the IKEA restaurant after seeing the long queue and might have difficulty finding place to sit after ordering the foods.

We skipped our lunch and headed to find Ethan's stuffs. Mummy thought of finding the stool and let him stand on it to pee on the toilet seat and wash the hand by himself. Instead of every time we have to hold him up and stand on the toilet seat. We managed to find the small one at first and after that we saw another one which was bigger and higher. Daddy comment was to buy both. Beside buying the stools mummy also got Ethan the finger toys. All together we spent more than RMB100 there.

Before we left we had a cheap lunch there. Bought 2 hotdog bread for Rmb3 each and 2 ice cream RMB1 each.

Happily putting all the toys in his finger

Ethan's personal toilet

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