Saturday, September 20, 2008

I want biscuit

Ethan loves to eat biscuit. Everyday he will request the biscuit from us. Today our naughty boy finished his biscuit and he didn't request from us. He just went straight to get for himself.

How did he did it?
He took his daddy's keys placed on the study room table. He went to kitchen to take down the Pediasure tin and used the keys to open it. But he opened the wrong tin, the tin he opened was the milk powder inside and not the biscuit. He recognized the tin as he saw his mummy placed his biscuit inside the Pediasure tin.

Nowadays when we want to keep things away from him we dare not to let him know where we hide it. If we let him see it one time, he will remember it. Like mummy took him to pick up daddy at the office. The next time when he sees the building, he immediately said daddy working inside the building. Really cannot underestimate the kids' memory.

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