Monday, September 29, 2008

Ethan next visit was Master of Nets Garden (网师园)

After having had lunch we headed to another attraction. We had a hard time finding the place because the signboard had been covered by the tree. We have over shot the place and our driver asked the local people for direction. When we arrived at the place, we were suspicious whether we have found the correct place or not. This was mainly because we didn't see the attraction and it was only the small street behind some local houses. It was a bit scary as we didn't know whether we have entered the right place or not.

Well, to access to the attraction one need to cross the street with the local people opening shops doing business of selling souvenir on both side of the narrow street leading to this garden. We had to pay RMB30 per person for the entrance fee.

Maybe it was because we were tired as mummy and Ethan had no mood to explore this place. We just looked around meanwhile daddy took the photo of the garden.

Last time this garden was some people's private house. The house has separate building in hall, side hall , study room and etc. Mummy was wondering why the floor is only cement and not like those tiles. More foreigner visited this garden compared with the 狮子林 and they were guided by the tourist guide.

There was a big pond located at the center of the garden and small rock formation. Ethan didn't missed the opportunity to climb up the rock formation again. This rock formation was very small compared with the 狮子林 but Ethan also enjoy it very much. From the top of the rock, we can view the pond and the other things surrounding the pond.

Ethan always was the busy body. He tried to close all the door at one of the hall. Photo showed everything.

At the top of the rock and said hi to the camera

We ended our journey in Suzhou with this garden. We were so tired on our way back home. Ethan fell asleep on the way back. Again we have hectic traffic jam on the highway again.

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