Saturday, September 6, 2008

Another attraction for Ethan was Chenghuang Temple (城隍庙)

At first we didn't plan to visit this temple because it was not under our list. However, seeing that the temple was just beside the 曲水园 and the price was reasonable, we decided to visit it after we had our lunch. After the lunch we headed to this temple. Since our camera was broken so we didn't take much of the family photos. We just taken individual photos and with Ethan.

Still the same, really difficult to take Ethan's photo, he liked to turn here and there. Found the similarity of China's temple are normally they have two buildings, one is for the drum and the other is the bell.

Beside the temple. there was a small pool surrounded by the stone partition. There are pillars crafted with 12 animal on it. We purposely chose the chicken and let Ethan took his photo with it as Ethan was born in the year of the chicken. There were few turtles inside the pool. We have seem one lady throwing the coin in order to ring the bell on the crane.

Luckily we visited this temple as we cannot found the other attraction under our list, it was an old pagoda. Our driver tried to ask the local people but it seemed like nobody knew about it. Maybe the place does not exist anymore. We found the attraction inside the internet. Well, one can say that China's website, some of the information already out of date. Some of attraction have been either closed or abolished.

Ethan was tired and fell asleep on our way to the next destination. He missed the last attraction.

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