Saturday, September 27, 2008

He broke his only one potty

Today we didn't know why Ethan threw his potty until it broke. (This is the second potty that had been spoil by him) This potty is the only one left we have because we could not manage to buy the same type anymore. Maybe the producer had stopped producing it. We have bought the other potty for Ethan before as a backup but he does not seem to like to use the other potty. He refuses to sit on the other one and we also didn't bring the other one to Shanghai. So I guess we have to buy the kid's toilet seat for him. Mummy has been thinking of buying the toilet seat for Ethan quite few month back but no actions until now. Today he potty was broken so no more excuse not to buy the toilet seat. Luckily mummy has spotted the kid toilet seat at Carrefour before. Mummy didn't buy it because she wanted to compare with other type of toilet seats. Now no choice.

Today we didn't have driver after sending daddy to the company because daddy had the team building in other place so need to wait till evening. What to do with Ethan doing his big business? Mummy have to hold him while he sat on the adult toilet seat to prevent him from falling down into the toilet bowl. He managed to do his big business and he feel new about it when he heard the sound "tom" after he passed his stool. He requested his mother to bring him down from the toilet seat and wanted to look inside the toilet bowl. Really cheeky boy.

At night when driver went to pick daddy, mummy informed daddy to ask our driver to bring us to Carrefour to buy one toilet seat for Ethan. No choice have to pick one even mummy did not really like the design printed on the toilet seat.

This potty cost mummy Rmb25 and at night we tried to let Ethan sit on it. He felt new about it. Mummy still dare not throw the old potty and afraid that Ethan cannot get use to the new toilet seat.

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