Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ethan journey to Jing'an Temple(静安寺)

Promised Ethan that we will bring him to take the subway so we chose the attraction where it can accessible by subway. The subway station is under this Jing'an Temple. When we got out from the station, we saw lot of people lining up. Mummy thought that is it because this temple is so famous?? Well, actually the people were lining up to buy the vegetarian moon cake.

We brought the ticket of RMB10 per person. Ethan is free once again. The temple was big and surrounded by modern buildings. Lots of plaza surrounding this temple. During our visit, one of the building in the middle was under renovation so only both side of temple was open for viewing. We can see that lot of people came in to pray. As usual, Ethan just walked around the temple seeing people pray. He followed his parents .....

The exciting part for Ethan in this temple was that he looked at lots of people throwing coins into the urn-like structure. He observed for a while then joined the people by collecting those coins that were unsuccessfully thrown inside the urn. He picked it up and imitated people to throw the money. He really enjoyed this part as he was unwilling to walk away. Ethan was too short so definitely he did not manage to throw inside. He needed his daddy's help to hold him up so that he can throw into the bottom part of the urn.

Observed what was the people doing...

Start throwing the coins into the urn

After we finished visiting the temple ground floor, we headed to the second floor. From here, we can view the outside modern building and inside temple compound. Daddy planned to walk to 3rd floor, unfortunately, this floor was locked up.

Felt that Ethan body was heating up, so we quickly had our lunch and took the subway back to our apartment. Mummy used the thermometer to test Ethan's body temperature, a bit high compared to normal time. Mummy gave Ethan to eat the Manuka 10+ honey and also some medicine. Ethan slept after having a quick bath. The temperature drop after Ethan had a nap. Thank god but still need to monitor.

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