Saturday, September 6, 2008

Ethan visited the QuShui garden(曲水园)

This week we decided the visit the Qingpu District. We have planned it for quite some time but due to unpredictable weather, we have to delay until this week. First, we visited the garden which is one of the 5 famous gardens in Shanghai. The ticket to enter this garden was only RMB5 per person. Of course Ethan was free again.

Ethan was attracted to the two stone lions placed at both sides of the door

Behind the building above, there was one lotus pond with the pavilion surrounding it. Lots of people sitting and relaxing here to view the lotus scenery. There are even some people practicing singing beside the pond. Really a good place for rest and relaxation. Inside the pond, there were lots of koi fishes and different type of fishes. Ethan really enjoyed seeing the fishes as he kept on saying,"fish swimming".

Ethan was happily counting the fishes

After we crossed the small stone bridge, we entered another garden. Inside this garden there were lot of pictures hanging on the wall along the building. There were a few stone tables and chairs placed in the garden for people to play the Chinese chess. They have crafted the checker board on the table top.

Seeing the photo of the small stone bridge below, beside this bridge there was a sign board stating,"please take care of the kids to prevent from falling down inside the pond". Well, we witnessed with our own eyes there and then someone fell inside the pond. He was an old man. There was a group of old folks who lined up to take photo standing on the bridge. One of them was standing on the stone nearby the pond, he accidentally fell down into the pond. After witnessed the accident, we have to take extra care of Ethan as Ethan likes to run here and there. He even climbed up one of the stone and said hooray on the top...

The beautiful stone floor
Basically we can say that the garden was surrounded by the lots of pond. After we walked further inside, there were still another pond with stone bridge across the pond and surrounded by the different type of trees. We have to hold Ethan's hand while crossing the bridge.

Seems that Ethan liked to cross this stone bridge, he even crossed a few times

We came to the border of the garden where one can sit there and view the outside garden peripheral surrounded by modern buildings. Seems like there is a mold surrounding this garden. See the photo below, Ethan really freaked us out with his action. He climbed up the bench and tried to view the fishes inside the river with his body bend down.

We have to lure him to walk out from the site. We have rested inside for a while before we continued to explore the garden.

At last we finished viewing the garden. One bad things happened inside this garden was that our camera fell down on the floor together with the camera tri-pod stand. It failed to work after this, so we are now left with only two cameras. Normally one camera we locked on the tri-pod stand for taking family photo, one held by daddy and one by mummy. With this camera broken, we only have two cameras left.

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