Sunday, September 21, 2008

This round was Guteng park(古藤园)

Finally we managed to visit the Guteng park. We have planned to go there few weeks ago but our driver didn't know where the place is. Daddy went to the internet and printed out the map to show to our driver. The park is located at outskirt place so not many people know about it and few people visited the park. The visitors are mostly old folks. The park is free entrance and car can park nearby the entrance for free as well.

The theme for this park is regarding the "Vine Tree" and they planted quite lot of vine trees around the park.

Due to the fact that it rained the day before, inside the park there was lot of mosquito. Only mummy had been attacked the most because daddy and Ethan was wearing long pants. Normally when mummy brought Ethan out to visit the attraction will let him wear long pants. Not because of the mosquito but mainly that Ethan is a bit careless kid and he will fall down quite often. Wearing long pants will protect him from getting hurt. This round mummy forgotten to put the mosquito repellent on Ethan because we were late already in the morning. Even Ethan was protected by the long pants but not his hands. Luckily he only get bitten at one spot.
Because our Canon camera was broken we were forced to use the Sanyo camera instead to lock on to the tripot. Last time when we used the Canon camera, we can only hear the sound like "didi" but this Sanyo camera, we can turn the LCD display facing us and asked Ethan to look at the screen and count the circle. He enjoyed counting the circle. So he has lots of laughing photo pose this round.
Since it was just after the rain, some part of the ground was full of water. Our little cheeky boy went to play with the water by stomping his feet on the floor and let the water splashed up. The bottom of his pants was wet.

Ethan took the photo with the 470 years old "Vine tree"

Inside the park there were two "Memorial Archway" located at different side of the park. They were beautiful.
Took the photo in front of the "Memorial Archway's signboard

Before we exit the park on the other side, we need to pass by the old building. In front of the building there was a middle size pond, the pond was full of different colorful fishes. The scenery was awesome with the fishes swimming together as a group. Ethan likes the view very much.

We didn't feel any blowing wind inside the park and after exploring it about one hour plus, we sweat a lot. After this park, we didn't visit other places as mummy just recover from sickness. We really enjoyed this trip.

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