Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Some stuffs from IKEA for Ethan

Today the place we visited was nearby the IKEA so we told our driver to drop us at IKEA and hoped that we can have lunch and buy Ethan stuffs at the same time. At last we didn't have our lunch at the IKEA restaurant after seeing the long queue and might have difficulty finding place to sit after ordering the foods.

We skipped our lunch and headed to find Ethan's stuffs. Mummy thought of finding the stool and let him stand on it to pee on the toilet seat and wash the hand by himself. Instead of every time we have to hold him up and stand on the toilet seat. We managed to find the small one at first and after that we saw another one which was bigger and higher. Daddy comment was to buy both. Beside buying the stools mummy also got Ethan the finger toys. All together we spent more than RMB100 there.

Before we left we had a cheap lunch there. Bought 2 hotdog bread for Rmb3 each and 2 ice cream RMB1 each.

Happily putting all the toys in his finger

Ethan's personal toilet

Guilin Park for today (桂林公园)

After experienced the hectic traffic jam yesterday, today we opt for the attraction in the Shanghai. We chose the Guilin Park with the hope that we can view the 桂花. We have a smooth trip from our home to the destination. We had to pay RMB2 per person and Ethan was free.

Ethan like the energetic bunny ran inside the park and seemed like no impact from yesterday long distance travel. We had a hard time trying to chase him while we wanted to stop to take and view the scenery.

Inside the park there were still some of the lantern hung along the park. The lantern was for the celebration of the "Mid Autumn " festival. The scenery should be the best at the night time when the lanterns are lit up. Ethan wanted to touch the lantern, he asked daddy to hold him but the lanterns were too high.

There was a big green space with the statues of "The Eight Fairies 八仙过海". Ethan loved this place as he managed to run all over the place and seen people taking the photo with the statues.

In front of the statues, there was a building of Four Religion Hall. There were lot of tables and chairs placed surrounding the building for people to have tea there. There was a lady seated there to serve the tea for people who are willing to drink the tea. Of course need to pay money. There was a group of old folks practicing singing nearby this building. Besides enjoying the drink of tea, people also can enjoy the view and the singing in the park. Our cheeky son walked here and there and attempted to sit on the chair.

Ethan had experienced of climbing the rock formation garden in Suzhou yesterday, today he seemed like so familiar and had no problem of climbing the rock. The pavilion is built on top of this rock formation. You can sit inside the pavilion and enjoy the view from the top. Ethan even played hide and seek with his parent with this rock formation garden. He loved to walk inside the rock and climb up whenever he saw the rock staircase.

Ethan enjoyed the view from the top

The weather was cold today so we let Ethan wear the jacket after exploring some part of the garden. Possibly due to the rain and also the early autumn. There was a rock horse inside the park. Ethan immediately requested his parents to put him on.

Besides the rock horse, there was another lion rock statues (should be or maybe is a cat - not sure?). Ethan asked his parent to take photo of him. See him posting in different post.

The building below was locked but it was very beautiful placed in the middle of the water. In front of the building there was a high class restaurant. Heard that lot of movie stars have their meal there.

We can hear the radio music being broadcast throughout the park as the management had placed the speaker inside the every corner of the park. Ethan was so amazed with the fact that the speakers were made to look like the rock. If one does not really look carefully, one may missed it out. After showing that the sound was coming out from this kind of rock, Ethan will look for the same kind of speakers and showed to his parent along the way as we walked through the park.

Ethan had thrown a bit of tantrum during our visit. We didn't know why suddenly he just stopped at one spot and unwilling to continue walking. He just stood there and wanted his parent to accompany him. We had a hard time to lure him.

Ethan taking the photo with daddy in front of the rock ship and playing with the bamboo

Before we left the west garden, there was a small rock formation nearby the entrance. Ethan once again climb up the rock and walked around at the top.

We took less of Ethan's photo at the east garden. The main attraction of the east garden was the 桂花 but the flower has not blossom yet. What we saw was a lot of green view and also the fresh air. For the east garden photo, please refer to Ethan parent blog.