Friday, January 4, 2008

Tricycle, Blocks and Jigsaw puzzle

Since yesterday night, daddy complained that Ethan sleeps quite late at 10.00pm so today mummy wanted to let Ethan exercise so tonight he can sleep earlier. Recently Ethan's nap time took almost 3hour 30min per day so he was full of energy after the nap. Today mummy let Ethan played in garden and let him ran around, kicked the ball and rode his tricycle. He still has not yet master the turning of the bike so he fell down and cried like hell. Maybe the tricycle is also quite hard to turn compared with normal bike. Maybe mummy has to find another bike for him.

At night Ethan played the wooden blocks with daddy. Ethan had broken his own record by stacking 17 blocks on his own. He tried to break his daddy and mummy blocks at 24 blocks record but he did not manage to do so because he was too short to stack the blocks as high as his parents. Even he cannot break his parent's record but he can destroy it.

'Godzilla' Ethan destroyer of blocks.

Ethan managed to finish another 40 pieces jigsaw puzzle by himself. He took two days and 3 times to master it. Now only left another 40 pieces jigsaw puzzle waiting him. After he can masters all of these 3 puzzles then mummy will let him mix these puzzle and find the correct one. Raising the bars in terms of difficulty to test Ethan's endurance.

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