Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Itchy hand and wash the teeth

This morning as usual mummy let Ethan scribbled all over with his crayon while mummy and grandma were busy with the garden work. Later when we packed up the stuffs, we noticed that all the fence and beams in the garden have got Ethan's artistic work. His itchy hand are really terrible.

In order to prevent tooth decay, lately mummy washed Ethan teeth every night before he goes to sleep. Well, some people may say why not teach him how to brush his teeth? For me, children at this age are too small to handle the toothbrush, surely they will bite and suck the water from bristle instead of brushing their teeth. I used the method recommended by daddy's cousin who is a dentist. He said when Ethan is 3 years old, he will teach Ethan how to brush his teeth. I guessed now Ethan is already used to this routine schedule as every time after he drank his milk and a bit water he will take off his bottle and let mummy wash his teeth.

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