Saturday, January 5, 2008

Ethan passed his accessment

Today we brought Ethan to the hospital to have his 2nd year assessment.
Doctor asked some questions (of the parents) and did some tests on Ethan.
Questions as per below:
a) What can Ethan do? Does he know how to run, kick balls, climb up the furniture?
- Yup he can do all these and we further elaborated that Ethan knows how to pedal the tricycle,play the 40 pieces jigsaw puzzles, lace the bean etc. Ethan also pedal the tricycle in the doctor's room.
Doctor comment: Everything is fine and he has passed the milestone of what a 2 year old suppose to do.

b) Can Ethan recognize the color?
- Mummy told that we are not sure but she knows when we ask Ethan where is the red or other colors, he will point to the words instead of the color.
Doctor comment: A child at this age only recognize a few color. They would have problem differentiating color like green.

c) Can Ethan talk? Made simple sentences?
- Well he can talk but cannot communicate with people yet and also cannot form a sentence But we told the doctor Ethan knows how to recognize words.
Doctor comment: at this age the kid should know to speak at least 6 words (meaningful conversation words) and Ethan can talk more than this. Like, pointing to animal and say, duck, monkey, giraffe, papa, mama, auntie, cicak (lizard), etc.

d) Can Ethan point to his body parts?
- Yes, he knows how to point the eye, nose, ear, mouth, teeth, tongue, shoulder, arm, finger, hand, leg, knee, toes and the one he exceptionally like - belly button. Ethan demonstrate to the doctor when doctor asked his body part.
- Ethan managed to speak the words, eye, ear, mouth, hand and toes
Doctor comment: at this age the kid should know at least 6 body parts. Ethan obviously knows more than that.

f) Doctor ask whether Ethan knows how to scribble on the paper? Draw straight line? Doctor gave Ethan a paper and pencil
- Yes, he did. Our house wall, cabinet, table all over the place you can find his master art work
- Ethan knows how to draw straight line and circle
Doctor comment: at this age the kid should know to draw straight line and for this test doctor want to know whether Ethan can bend his hand to do something. Doctor said got sequence to draw the sharp. First is straight line follow by circle, triangle and the square.

Later doctor checked Ethan's ear, mouth, eye and stomach. Ethan refused to let doctor check his eye because of the light from the equipment. We have to tell the doctor that Ethan actually cannot stand too strong sunlight. He need some time to adjust to the light. So doctor wanted to check Ethan's eye to see whether there is any problem but Ethan did not let doctor do so. So doctor had to use other tests. She let Ethan pick the small black ring from her hand. Ethan quickly grabbed it and the doctor said that Ethan's eye was sharp at the small thing. Actually from daily observation, we see that Ethan can pick up the hair on the floor when he is not yet 1 year old. For picking things surely not a problem for Ethan.

Conclusion from the doctor is that Ethan's milestone was above the average and doctor said there is no need to worry about Ethan's development. This comment comes partly from the fact that when Ethan was born he got the problem of not breathing so doctor is afraid this will affect Ethan's brain development. So with today Ethan's assessment, doctor said that it seems like there is no impact from his history. Now doctor said only left the Maths ability that needs to be tested but that can only be found when Ethan is around 6 or 7 years old. Thank God that Ethan is fine!

Leaving the hospital, Ethan was happily walking from the car park to our car. He was running fast and did not see the bumpy tar road. He felled down on his stomach on all fours and hurt his knees. Mummy washed his knee when we reached home and put on some yellow medicine (黄药水).

Ethan will scratched knees. Poor kid still can smile for a photo.

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