Monday, January 7, 2008

Ethan can recognize color

The doctor did asked previously whether Ethan knows how to recognize the color or not? We as parents never knew because we didn't really ask or test Ethan. So mummy plans to make some games in order to teach Ethan to differentiate the color. The game structure is already conceived by mummy. All she needs is to execute them.

Since we were watching TV this evening and Ethan didn't have any things to do, he just walked round and round our living room. At last he felt bored, therefore we created some entertainment for him. We used one of the envelopes to make him a hat. At first he was quite ok wearing it but later he didn't want it anymore. Recently we found out that when we take photo of Ethan, he would quickly want to know the result of the photo. He wants to see himself inside the camera. Now that he was so familiar with the camera. He can switch on and off the camera and see his photo one by one by pressing the button.

Night time, Ethan was flipping through one of the numbers book. Inside the book, there is a page showing different color of pencils. Daddy just simply asked him "where is the red pencil? where is the blue pencil?" Surprisingly to us, Ethan pointed to all of them correctly. After taking a bath, mummy tried again and asked Ethan, he correctly answered all. At first he quite confused with the color of red and orange. But later he corrected himself. Now we know that actually Ethan already know how to differentiate the color. Is it because the color book made by mummy that helped Ethan? or ...? We did not really teach Ethan the colors.

Shapes should not be a problem for Ethan. Whenever he was playing with the shape sorter, he always want mummy to tell him what is the shape before he puts inside the hole. If mummy didn't tell him what is the shape he will yell and refuses to put inside the correct hole. Some of the shapes mummy also doesn't know. I guess mummy has to find out from now onward so that she could teach Ethan those shapes. But basic shapes that Ethan already knew are square, circle, triangle, oval, octagon, hexagon, star, arrow etc.

Recently Ethan really can take a long nap and daddy always complain that he will sleep late at night. What to do. Recently he would only sleep at 12pm onward so he can sleep till 3 to 4 pm. For example today it was nearly 5.00pm before he woke up. Yesterday he slept until nearly 6.00pm so yesterday night we brought him to Sunshine supermarket because daddy want to buy the luggage for his next week's business trip. The previous trip to US, daddy's luggage was broken again. Don't know how the workers in airport deal with luggages. Or maybe because of the heavy stuffs that daddy bought previously, fish oil, vitamin and Cheerios??? Guess they were throwing if not why the luggage can be broken so easily.

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