Saturday, January 26, 2008

Flashcard! Flashcard!

Today we went to Borders again as we have finally decided to buy the Japanese flashcard for Ethan. Before we went to Borders Ethan was excited playing the kid's ride at one corner of Queensbay Mall. Well, daddy saw him having fun with the ride. Daddy wanted to exchange the token to let Ethan play. Mummy asked daddy don't but daddy still want to do it. So at the end, it scared Ethan when the kid's ride car moved. He held daddy's hand tightly and was whining wanting to get off the ride.

In the end we wasted the money. Hoped that daddy learned the lesson <--- mummy said. Tonight, daddy was so excited and chose some of the flashcard and started to teach Ethan. What a Japanese fan. Well, Ethan also love to watch the Japanese song MTV on our laptop. He even indicated to his parents when the song nearly reach the end to ask them to play another one.
The flashcard we bought!

Besides this mummy also completed making the opposite flashcard for Ethan. This morning begun to teach Ethan. He loves it. He just stand still till mummy flashed all the 27 cards to him.

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