Thursday, January 10, 2008

How to made the morning session meaningful?

As usual, mummy will go out to the garden to get ride of the weeds so Ethan will play in the garden. Today when mummy was busy in the garden, Ethan was so boring that he just pranced around with his mouth non-stop talking baby talk. Emm! What a waste of a beautiful morning?

Normally what he will do when he is outside in the garden:
Backside of garden:
- arrange the clothes hangers
- asking mummy to give him some weeds so that he can carry around with his garden tools
- move the plastic bottles from kitchen and arrange them nicely on the floor
- even tries to help mother with the weeds

Car porch side garden (mostly is in the evening session):
- riding his tricycle
- kicking his ball
- tries hard to sweep the floor and purposely throw the ball underneath the car so that he has got reason to use the broom to sweep the ball out

Mummy has to figure out how to fill up Ethan's time with a meaningful matter? Few things were in mother's mind are:
- Let Ethan do painting? art?? craft??
- Teach him some flashcard?
- Read the story books with Ethan?
- play bubble
- any suggestion...??

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