Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Photographer and dirty boy

Ethan liked to play with our digital camera. Today, he took a lot of photos in the house and at the garden. Of course, most of these photos were either pointing to the floor and grass in the lawn. This is a video clip showing Ethan taking photos.

See the little photographer so serious in taking photos

At dinner time as usual after Ethan finished his meal, we will treat him to his favorite yogurt. Nowadays, Ethan has developed a habit of going to the refrigerator and take his yogurt out and put it on the table. This is what his parent always do. Of course parents do, children follow rule definitely applies! Ethan has improved his skill of eating yogurt. Nowadays there is not much spilling out on the table anymore. But one bad habit still persists. He will leave some yogurt to be used as his hair gel. This time it was even worst because he put the yogurt on both of his hands and clapped them so that the yogurt will be flying here and there. Really dirty boy.

After he had finished his meal, while mummy and daddy had to clean up the dishes, he just cannot sit still in his high chair. This was what he will do next.

Notice the dangerous actions that he will do. I know that some people will say - why not tie Ethan up? Well, for one he will not let people tie him up. He will yell and hurt himself struggling to free himself from the safety belt.

From the moment he was born until now, he will never sit in a car seat. Even with the stroller he doesn't like to sit in it. He prefers people to hold him or he will walk by himself. We, being his parents roughly know that he wants. Seems that he likes to explore by himself the outside world. He wants to feel and touch new things, he is curious and he wants to be participating what his parents do. Mummy had read an article saying that parents should let toddlers walk by himself instead of putting him in the stroller when going out. This is mainly because it is one of the physical exercise for the toddler to improve his muscle and learns to be independent. So we think that as long as it is not dangerous, why not let Ethan go and explore the world by himself.

Ethan requested daddy to hold him because he wanted to take the ice cream from the freezer of the fridge. See Ethan tasting his yummy ice cream.

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