Thursday, January 24, 2008

Meet the doctor

This morning Ethan still woke up not feeling well, has a lot of sneezing. Mummy has to feed him medicine again before he took his nap. This is so that he can sleep well or else the blocked nose will cause him to have difficulty to rest properly. Mummy kept letting him drink lots of water. Due to this huge consumption, even "mamy poko" diaper could not withstand Ethan's urine. Few hours later all the diaper was wet once Ethan emptied his bladder. After the noon nap, mummy still not dare not let Ethan eat rice. Only cook some porridge for him. He looked so pity due to constant sneezing and a lot of mucus came out from nose. Mummy decided to ask daddy to bring Ethan to see his doctor.

Although when daddy came back from work Ethan was feeling quite well and his sneezing became less frequent with a bit of cough, we still brought him to the hospital.

Funny things happened when Ethan saw the doctor approaching her clinic. You know what Ethan had done? He quickly run away from doctor and try to escape from other door. It was a fire escape entrance. Seems that he could recognize the doctor and figure out somehow he needs to get away as fast as he could. Could be that the previous experience still lingers in his mind.

We were the 2nd patient. While waiting in front of the doctor's room, we saw the first patient (a toddler) ran out from clinic. This toddler straight hit the side of the door with a loud bang. The kid's mother told us that her son is always like that. This happening is usual. Guess this kid is the "long piak" (hit the wall in Hokkien) type of kid.

When Ethan walked inside the doctor's room, he quickly made himself at home and played with the toys inside the room. He has his own sweet time playing by himself while we were describing his condition to the doctor. When doctor wanted to check him, Ethan refused to let the doctor do so especially checking the throat. We were forced to resort to use the hard way. Ethan refused the open his mouth by bitting on the doctor's stick inserted in his mouth. Ethan cried like hell. Later he took his revenge by throwing plastic balls in the room towards the doctor. Really a naughty boy.

Mummy took the opportunity to ask doctor why Ethan doesn't gain much in weight? Doctor said that for this age of toddler it is very difficult for them to gain weight. Mainly caused by their constant active state when they are awake. For these few years up to 4 years old all the development is on the physical side, the minimum weight gain is 500g per year. Doctor even said that when they sit down also can burn the calories. What to do , we have to just hope that Ethan can keep on growing in height.

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