Saturday, January 12, 2008

Only can be controlled by mummy????

Well, there was not really enough time to bring Ethan to the park today. In the morning, we only managed to go to Tesco to buy Ethan's painting stuff and then dropped by the bank. Ethan was throwing a tantrum in Tesco when daddy took him away from the children bicycle section. Ethan tried to get on the bicycles and would not budged. Daddy had to carried him crying on his arm and tried to find mummy. When mummy took him over, he quickly became a nice boy. He really know how to "bully" particular people. He knows his style cannot work on his mother.

After taking a nap and ate, we brought Ethan to the garden. Well, today there was no squirrels to be seen. Ethan was so busy helping mother to clip the clothes . See the little helper.

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