Thursday, January 31, 2008

Draw an object and write number?

Today mummy and Ethan went back to Penang.
Ethan was busy with his crayon while mummy was busy with the PC then suddenly mummy heard Ethan said 6. When mummy turned her head around and she noticed that he wrote the number 6 on the paper. And he even said 9 when he rotated the paper. Mummy doesn't know how he has writen it but mummy asked him to write it again he refused. Then mummy witnessed him drawing some pictures like he drawn a circle and drawn one line on the top of the circle. He claimed this as an apple, while if you really look deeply inside it really look like an apple. He even drawn a star which it hardly looked like a star.

Later he thought it was fun as his itchy hands started again, drawing beyond the paper and extended to mummy cloth, body, chair and drawer, etc.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Lots of comments on potty training

Lots of comments on potty training.
Some cases like below:
1) Some people say that in order to train a boy potty training is to let the boy pee everywhere even in the drain. As one of the cases claimed that the parents trained his son to pee in the toilet at home. As we know the toilet at home normally was very clean compared with the public toilet. Because of this the kid does not dare to pee outside his home. Whenever the family went to supermarket, the son does not dare to go to toilet because it is not as clean as his home one. In the end the kid has to hold the urine until he reaches home. Due to this, one of the parents found out that there their kid have got stone in his bladder. Really pity the kid as he is only 10 year old. So grandma told mummy that she has to let Ethan pee outside even the drain if there is no toilet. While it should not be a problem for Ethan as mummy let him pee in the Queensbay Mall toilet before.

2) Some said boy pee should be standing instead of like girl sitting on the potty. Whether it is sitting or standing there is no problem for Ethan as mummy let him use a lot of different method.

3) One of grandma's friend said that her granddaughter although is 6 year old but still using the potty for big and small business. While this was not good. The kids should use the toilet instead of potty for such an age. However, her grandma was afraid that when she go to standard one school, they will be a problem for her to refuse using the toilet. Mummy is thinking hard for this one as Ethan's asshole is still small and cannot fit inside the standard toilet bowl. May consider buying a kid toilet seat.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Manja boy

Recently Ethan very good in acting. Whenever we said "pain pain" he will show us the mark on his leg gotten from his previous fall. He will make his pity face (but kawaii) and said "pain pain" back to us. The facial expression is with wriggle all over and look very pitiful. Since he got constipation fews day ago, he was not feeling well in his stomach so we try to put some oil and massage his stomach. He likes it very much. Few times in a day he will use his fingers to press his stomach and do that pity face again. He will go and take the oil and wants us to massage him. He even wanted us to put some oil in his hand and he wanted to do the massage himself.

From birth until now we have never used oil as Ethan doesn't have the problem of colic. Every time after feeding him milk, he could burp very fast and also release gas from his backside.

Lots of people commented that Ethan's skin is very fair and reddish. The reddish becomes very obvious especially after exposure to sunlight.

Monday, January 28, 2008


Ethan likes to imitate some of actions shown in his "My Big Book of Words and Pictures". Some of the actions were like angry, quiet, yelling, yawning, etc and the good thing is that even though he imitates but he also know what those words meant. When we said the words out loud then Ethan will do the actions for us.

Well, today he flipped the book to the picture of one girl taking the magnifying glass. Mummy remembered that grandma's house has one as mummy used it when mummy was small - doing the science projects like using the magnifying glass to make fire, etc. It is always a good way to teach kids is that when he sees the things, we provide him the actual object to let him feel and touch it. The learning process is better.

So nowadays when he flipped to this page he will go and take the magnifying glass. We taught him to put the magnifying glass on pictures or words so that the objects will become bigger. Well, he actually uses it and slowly to made the object bigger and bigger.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Daddy business trip again

What to do, daddy is on business trip again. Mummy has to bring Ethan back to Kedah as mummy was not feeling well, afraid will fall sick. Better let other people assist in taking care of Ethan so that mummy will have time to rest.

Besides, Ethan also not fully recovered from his sickness. He still have a bit of flu and cough. However, he is still as active as before and run around in the garden, cycling the tricycle.

Problem that we faced was Ethan still didn't pass his bowel movement. This has caused a lot of unnecessary worry to his mummy and grandparents. Need to buy the medicine in order to help him release motion. If not his lip will always be as red as blood even though we kept on letting him drink lots of water. Else it would be very difficult for him to recover from his sickness.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Flashcard! Flashcard!

Today we went to Borders again as we have finally decided to buy the Japanese flashcard for Ethan. Before we went to Borders Ethan was excited playing the kid's ride at one corner of Queensbay Mall. Well, daddy saw him having fun with the ride. Daddy wanted to exchange the token to let Ethan play. Mummy asked daddy don't but daddy still want to do it. So at the end, it scared Ethan when the kid's ride car moved. He held daddy's hand tightly and was whining wanting to get off the ride.

In the end we wasted the money. Hoped that daddy learned the lesson <--- mummy said. Tonight, daddy was so excited and chose some of the flashcard and started to teach Ethan. What a Japanese fan. Well, Ethan also love to watch the Japanese song MTV on our laptop. He even indicated to his parents when the song nearly reach the end to ask them to play another one.
The flashcard we bought!

Besides this mummy also completed making the opposite flashcard for Ethan. This morning begun to teach Ethan. He loves it. He just stand still till mummy flashed all the 27 cards to him.

Family brain power

We made it!!!
With the power of family, we managed to match all the wooden puzzle inside the square box.
While, it took us about 15 to 20 min to finish it. We felt so proud especially Ethan, he was so happy and was yelling hooray.....after he put the last piece inside the box.

He was so aggressively and patiently trying to match the puzzle,tried to rotate left and right. He even refused to give to his parent the wooden blocks as he wanted to match them himself. There are a lot of combination that lead to the completion of all the wooden inside the square box. After we finished, daddy tried to check whether our combination matches one of the answers in the answer booklet or not. Well, our combination was not inside the book at all.

We created the new combination. Yuppy! We are a smart bunch of family members.

The new puzzle combination we have completed.

The purpose of this Magic Puzzle Game are:
1) Teaches children maths and differentiation of colour
2) Improved the hand and eye coordination
3) Lead children to differentiate shapes and the mix and match of shapes
4) Train the kids to concentrate and develop logical thinking

If you notice that all the 14 pieces of different blocks, you will realise that actually all of them are of the same area. It is a game to enhance one's IQ and EQ.

Well, some people may comment on what is so big deal about this game, they may think that it is very easy. Well, at first we also think like that but when we actually tried it ourselves, it actually took us quite some time. We have to use to our brains to think of ways of how to complete it.

Actually this was not the only game we bought for Ethan. They still have another one almost the same. Mummy's friend said that this kind of game helps children in maths when we ask her to buy for us during daddy's business trip to Taiwan. Well, mummy doesn't know the impact of this game but only wanted Ethan to have fun with the game. Now, we realized that we seldom buy him electronics toys. We bought all the wooden stuffs.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Getting better

Well today was third day of Ethan fall in sick, he was getting better now. Still got a bit of cough especailly drinking water other than that he was ok. So today mummy only let him drink one time of medicine. Mummy try not to let him drink the medicine at night time since drinking medicine will made people very tired. Hopefully tomorrow he can fully recover.

Since he was sick so mummy didn't let him to play in garden so after dinner mummy just asked daddy to drive Ethan around the Sg Ara area.

White mouse daddy???

This evening we cleaned up the plates after we had our dinner. As usual Ethan will open the refrigerator and play with all vitamin bottles. He likes to arrange the bottle and opens the cover. WE have restricted him a few times but the situation still does not change.

Today when daddy wanted to stop him, he took one vitamin C and gave to daddy to eat. After he saw daddy put into his mouth, he also wanted to eat one. Luckily daddy stopped him. Before that Ethan never wanted to eat it, seems like he treated daddy as white mice to test whether the things can be eaten or not, then he will eat. Mummy said all the vitamin have to be moved to the upper part of the fridge so that Ethan cannot reach them.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Meet the doctor

This morning Ethan still woke up not feeling well, has a lot of sneezing. Mummy has to feed him medicine again before he took his nap. This is so that he can sleep well or else the blocked nose will cause him to have difficulty to rest properly. Mummy kept letting him drink lots of water. Due to this huge consumption, even "mamy poko" diaper could not withstand Ethan's urine. Few hours later all the diaper was wet once Ethan emptied his bladder. After the noon nap, mummy still not dare not let Ethan eat rice. Only cook some porridge for him. He looked so pity due to constant sneezing and a lot of mucus came out from nose. Mummy decided to ask daddy to bring Ethan to see his doctor.

Although when daddy came back from work Ethan was feeling quite well and his sneezing became less frequent with a bit of cough, we still brought him to the hospital.

Funny things happened when Ethan saw the doctor approaching her clinic. You know what Ethan had done? He quickly run away from doctor and try to escape from other door. It was a fire escape entrance. Seems that he could recognize the doctor and figure out somehow he needs to get away as fast as he could. Could be that the previous experience still lingers in his mind.

We were the 2nd patient. While waiting in front of the doctor's room, we saw the first patient (a toddler) ran out from clinic. This toddler straight hit the side of the door with a loud bang. The kid's mother told us that her son is always like that. This happening is usual. Guess this kid is the "long piak" (hit the wall in Hokkien) type of kid.

When Ethan walked inside the doctor's room, he quickly made himself at home and played with the toys inside the room. He has his own sweet time playing by himself while we were describing his condition to the doctor. When doctor wanted to check him, Ethan refused to let the doctor do so especially checking the throat. We were forced to resort to use the hard way. Ethan refused the open his mouth by bitting on the doctor's stick inserted in his mouth. Ethan cried like hell. Later he took his revenge by throwing plastic balls in the room towards the doctor. Really a naughty boy.

Mummy took the opportunity to ask doctor why Ethan doesn't gain much in weight? Doctor said that for this age of toddler it is very difficult for them to gain weight. Mainly caused by their constant active state when they are awake. For these few years up to 4 years old all the development is on the physical side, the minimum weight gain is 500g per year. Doctor even said that when they sit down also can burn the calories. What to do , we have to just hope that Ethan can keep on growing in height.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ethan is sick

It was more than 5 months that Ethan didn't get sick (last month daddy and mummy was sick but luckily Ethan's antibody was strong enough to fight the virus). But this round he cannot escape from falling sick. Mainly could be caused by the hot weather changes.

Yesterday Ethan already shown some sign of going to be sick. He was sneezing and coughing. Mummy was worry. Today his condition gotten more serious with running nose. No wonder last night midnight he was yelling without waking up. At first mummy thought of getting Ethan to heal by himself by not letting him take any medicine but only keep letting him drink a lot of water. After he has taken a noon nap (short nap because of the blocking nose) we found it to be more serious. Therefore after letting him eat the cereal, we decided to let him take the medicine. Mummy knew that Ethan hates and very scared of drinking medicine so mummy mix it into the water as he love the water so much. Well, mummy was underestimating Ethan. Ethan immediately knew that the water was mixed with medicine. Seeing that the water is pink color we even tried to trick him saying that this is "ribena" drink. He cried as we forced him to drink. He actually could recognize and differentiate between plain water or water with medicine by looking at the color. Finally we had no choice but to do it the hard way. We used the syringe to pump the medicine into his mouth and quickly let him drink water. Of course he cried.

Night time we mixed the medicine into his milk (mummy used the handkerchief to cover the bottle of the milk) but he quickly spot the color of the milk. So he tried to drink at first but he refused it afterwards. This time it might be because of the taste of the medicine. So mummy have to increase more milk to dilute the taste and also close the lights then he only want to drink it.

Although Ethan was sick but he is still as active as usual. If not because of the liquid running from his nose, maybe you cannot notice that he was sick. We prayed hard that he will recover by tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Water in parent bed

This afternoon Ethan pee on his parent's bed. Mummy is mainly to be blamed because mummy fallen asleep while letting Ethan played the lacing bean. Ethan woke up mummy after he pee by using his wet hands to touch mummy. Mummy quickly moved him to the toilet to let him have a bath. O my god! Ethan pee again in the bathtub. I guess he stopped peeing when he found out that he had done the wrong thing. Actually this same thing happened yesterday when mummy gone to the kitchen to take lunch for Ethan. When mummy came back to the playroom, Ethan pointed to mummy the place he pee on the floor. Mummy had to take a cloth to clean the floor. While cleaning, mummy found out that Ethan went and took his potty and sat on it and continue to pee. No wonder mummy found that the floor was not so wet. Actually he stopped the urine halfway.

We have to change our bed sheet luckily we had another cover underneath to protect urine from flowing down to the mattress. When mummy changed the bed sheets, mummy put the pillow and bolster temporarily inside Ethan's crib. Wah, you know what he did? He protested and yelled loudly and tried to take out the pillow from his crib. I guess he does not want people's thing to be put into his crib.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Reduce the daily calories?

Retrieve from one of article.
Now that your child is over 2, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that you reduce her fat intake to less than 30 percent of daily calories. Switch to low-fat milk and cheese, and offer your child plenty of whole grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables.

Ethan didn't gain much weight since he was hospitalized and discharged back in Dec 2006. Few weeks ago we brought Ethan to do his 2nd year assessment. His measured weight was only 10.5kg. We wondered why his weight never increase but when we hold him we feel him getting heavier. Don't know whether it is the problem of weight machine or the nurse's problem. But luckily Ethan grew a lot in height. Is it the problem of mummy's cooking as mummy didn't let him eat much outside food or he exercise a lot or...????

Why I cannot gain my weight?

Maybe I do too much exercise?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

New trick and independent boy

Ethan has developed a new trick with daddy. He put his feet on top of daddy's feet and requests daddy to move. Well, how is this trick developed? It was mainly because of mummy. This is because when mummy wants to dance with Ethan mummy some time put Ethan's feet on mummy's feet. Mummy will move her legs and dances with Ethan. Sometimes when Ethan is crying then he will run to grab mummy's leg. At that time mummy will begin to move with her legs. At first he will still be crying but later he will become half crying and half laughing. Then later totally enjoys this actions.

Seems like our boy has became more independent as he likes to do a lot of things by himself. Such as cases shown as below:
1) Walked up the staircase. If you hold him up the staircase. He will refuse. If you insist to do that, after you reach the top of the staircase. Guess what will Ethan do? He will walked down the staircase then walked up again by himself. If you don't let him do that he will throw his tantrum. So sometimes you want to be fast but at the end it becomes a delay.

2) Same thing also happens in the toilet. When you hold him up in order to prevent him from slipping on the floor, he will show the sign that he wants to walk by himself out of toilet. This is because every time before he walked out of the toilet he will point to the tiles on the toilet floor and tell you what the color it is. "Blue"!

3) This evening mummy had to clean the kitchen cabinet so all the containers need to be brought out. We asked Ethan to take the containers away. What did he do? He arranged nicely all the containers on the floor. Later we asked him to take them back to mummy so that mummy can arrange them back into the cabinet. After finished arranging them back, mummy seen that there is another new container on the table top of the kitchen. So she asked daddy to give it to Ethan so that he can hand it over to mummy. Our little boy took the container and then put back on the floor as other containers he had done before. Then only he took it again from the floor and handed over to mother. Both of us were laughing seeing Ethan actions.

4) When he plays the puzzle, other people cannot help him to match the puzzle. He will take the puzzle away and he will personally matched them back.

5) When he opens the book and you want to close it. He will yell to protest that you cannot touch his books. Then he will open his book again as before and close the books if you asked him to close it.

Well, don't know whether is it because mummy trains him to be independent or not? It is known fact that Ethan likes to sleep and put aside his "Peter and Jane " in his crib to accompany him. So when he wakes up normally mummy will hold him up and left the books still inside the crib. After he drinks all his milk, he will want to request people to take his books out from the crib for him. Normally for daddy and grandma, they will help Ethan to take it out but for mummy, mummy will not do so. Mummy will ask Ethan to take them out by himself . If the books were on the other side of the crib which Ethan cannot reach, normally he will yell for help. However, this would not work with mummy. Mummy will ask him to try again. Sometimes she asked him to solve his problem by himself and if still cannot then only give some suggestions for him. Well, daddy always say that mummy is cruel to Ethan. But the purpose behind this is essentially to let Ethan use his brain to solve the problem by himself. Like a lot of things mummy tries to let Ethan do by himself. So when Ethan wants to drink milk and when he sees mummy is preparing his milk then he will quickly go and open the cabinet and take his handkerchief and put around his neck and lies on the bed waiting for mummy to bring him milk.

Only one thing mummy need to let Ethan do by himself is eating the rice. Mummy seldom let him do it mainly because mummy cannot tolerate the mess that Ethan makes. This one needs to be improved else Ethan will not improve his skill of eating foods. But sometimes cannot blame mummy because the soup is very hot. Mummy is scared it would hurt Ethan. So for cold food like yogurt and fruits, mummy will let him handle by himself. What mummy does in order to train Ethan's hand was to ask Ethan to use the spoon to take his cheerios out from the bowl and put inside his mouth. This one is very difficult (because of the small size of cheerios) but if he can manage to do it then he should not have problem to handle other food.

An energetic little boy

Today we went to Queensbay Mall again. Quite boring for us but it was fun for our son as he can release his young accumulated energy by walking all around the mall. Ethan tends to be quite independent and does not like people to hold his hand when walking. If you try to hold his hands, he would quickly squat down on the floor. Once released his hand, he will sprint out and rush out of your hold. The way he walks is also quite unstable and he is like half running and rushing as he walks. Today, he stumbled for quite a few times at Borders bookstore. Luckily Borders' flooring is all carpeted. However, even though Ethan did not suffer any wound, he is also quite painful each time he fell. He would point to his knee and indicated "pain pain".

Initially we wanted to buy the Japanese flashcard for Ethan but at last we decided not to. Need to think twice as the cards are not cheap. The flashcard is quite good actually and both mummy and Ethan could learn the language - daddy thinks so! The card comes with the word in front and then follow by some examples of the use of the words. Behind the card there are English description explaining the words. We should buy it but mummy, the financial controller does not approved. :-(

Queensbay Mall starts to have Chinese New Year decoration in preparation for the festive season. Both daddy and Ethan took some photos in front of the decorations.

We had our lunch at "Sushi Kin". After eating Ethan developed some rashes on his stomach. Mummy thinks that it might be caused by allergy to light soya beans source in the Japanese noodle. He started to scratch his belly. We were amazed that the rashes developed so fast. Need to be careful in future. Other than this, Ethan's appetite is as usual very good. He finished the 2 pieces egg mayo sushi, some portion of daddy's Japanese noodle soup, 1 whole Yakult and some Chawan Mushi (which is mummy's favorite). Mummy order the Saba set thinking that Ethan could eat the fish. However, when it came we found that it was drenched and served in Thai chilli source. It is a no touch for Ethan. Also the Saba fish has quite a lot of fish bones unlike fish served in Japan normally do not have bones. I guess local Japanese food can get away with fish bones. Daddy missed the real Japanese foods from his day in Japan.

At Jusco toy section we bought something for Ethan which is an education toy game. What mummy likes about this toy is that it teaches math.

After walking for few hours in mall, Ethan felt really tired. He quickly fall in deep sleep after reaching home. He broke his own record by taking the nap for 4 hour.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Opposite flashcard and parent dream

Recently mummy is quite lazy and does not spend much time making the education materials for Ethan. Mummy promised few weeks ago to make the opposite flashcards but until now only a few cards were finished.

Today we didn't go out in the morning, we just stayed at home relaxed and drank coconut water. Grandpa had bought a lot of fresh coconuts from Guar.

Mummy missed the last trip to Japan when that time the sakura was blooming. Hope that one day we will be able to bring Ethan together to Hokkaido and Tokyo Disneyland as Ethan loves Mickey Mouse.

Even mummy have dream of going to Holland to see the tulips but luckily last year in Japan we managed to see it. It was a unplanned trip as we just changed our schedule the last after seeing the advertisement paper near the train station while we were in Japan.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Back to us alone...

These few days because of daddy's business trip, grandma had to accompany mummy in Penang. Today grandma had gone back To Kedah. Left mummy and Ethan alone in the house while daddy was working. Seems like Ethan misses his grandma and grandpa. He always call "婆婆" (not so accurate pronunciations sometime if you do not pay attention, you would thought that he is saying papa) and hand sign "No"

Ethan asking mummy to put all his "bear bear" hanging on the knob of the cabinet door. Seeing him kissing his bear.

Missed my blocks, it had been long time I didn't play with these blocks

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Chinese New Year stuff????

This morning we went to the market. While grandma was buying the vegetables, what have Ethan done? He had arranged the carrot nicely in the bucket. Mummy found out that Ethan likes to arrange the things nicely like clothes hanger, crayon etc.

Only a few weeks left to Chinese New Year, what is the new year stuffs that we have bought so far for Ethan. Well, mummy already bought one red T-shirt for Ethan. What is still lacking? For mummy, one new clothes is enough but for some parents they will buy a lot of clothes for their kid. Remember back a few years ago, seems like mummy does not really buy a new clothes for Ethan. Like the first year that Ethan celebrated the CNY, he was still 2 month + and that time he did not really get new clothes. Last year's CNY Ethan was already 14months + the clothes was bought when he was small (6 month +) when daddy was in Taiwan for Computex. Terrible things was his face got a lot of mosquito bite when we woke up in the morning of 1st day CNY. Poor little things.

Today daddy back from his business trip, but no gift ...... Seems like nothing much to buy in Shanghai.

It was extremely cold in Shanghai with temperature of 1 deg Celsius. Daddy took some photos in Shanghai with his handphone.

This is in front of a mall. There are some Chinese New Year decorations.

This is a photo taken at the Bund 上海滩.

It has been more than 10 years since daddy been to the Bund. There are a lot of progress since those days but the sphere shape landmark building is still there. I guess that does not change. This was daddy's 3rd trip to Shanghai. Good to be back in Shanghai. Brings back a lot of sweet memory of my days when I was still working with Hitachi.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Red berry picker???

Today, grandma moved one of the plants from the backyard into garden, the tree got a lot of red hanging berries (seed of the tree). Well, mummy doesn't know what is the English name of this tree but the Chinese name is 七厘香, it smells good when the flowers were blooming especially in the morning. Ethan saw the red berry and without the second thought quickly went to take his garden tools and started to pick them down.

Later, all the red berry at the bottom part of the tree were picked by Ethan, the higher part luckily escaped from Ethan's hand.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Itchy hand and wash the teeth

This morning as usual mummy let Ethan scribbled all over with his crayon while mummy and grandma were busy with the garden work. Later when we packed up the stuffs, we noticed that all the fence and beams in the garden have got Ethan's artistic work. His itchy hand are really terrible.

In order to prevent tooth decay, lately mummy washed Ethan teeth every night before he goes to sleep. Well, some people may say why not teach him how to brush his teeth? For me, children at this age are too small to handle the toothbrush, surely they will bite and suck the water from bristle instead of brushing their teeth. I used the method recommended by daddy's cousin who is a dentist. He said when Ethan is 3 years old, he will teach Ethan how to brush his teeth. I guessed now Ethan is already used to this routine schedule as every time after he drank his milk and a bit water he will take off his bottle and let mummy wash his teeth.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Missed papa ?? Reduce diaper and more words

This morning when mummy drove the car we could hear Ethan calling his "Papa". I guessed Ethan tried to remind mummy that his daddy still not in the car. Daddy is on 4 days business trip to oversea Shanghai.

Since mummy bought the cloth diaper few day ago, today she let Ethan wore its during his nap time. Well, this was part of mummy's new year plan to reduce Ethan use of disposable diaper. Before that mummy had already successfully reduced the usage to 2 disposable diapers per day (exceptional case was when we go out in weekend as mummy still not yet dare to take the risk of diaper free for Ethan). With this cloth diaper, today's usage was only one disposable diaper. This morning after Ethan drank his morning session of milk and before he fallen asleep again he informed mummy that he wanted to pee. Well this is good sign right? So this morning mummy found out that Ethan's diaper was quite dry even throughout the whole night. Guessed his just pee one time in the diaper.

Few months back mummy made some mistakes when Ethan showed the sign to mummy that he wanted to pee. But sometimes mummy was too lazy to take off his diaper so just asked Ethan to pee on his diaper. Therefore later Ethan totally doesn't want to show the sign again. That's why mummy failed. So starting from this new year mummy insists to let Ethan diaper free during the daytime. After few weeks of "gambatte", mummy finally seen some results as Ethan started to show mummy the sign again. This time when he showed the sign, mummy insists to take off the diaper even at 5 something morning or at night before he fell asleep. Mummy had learned her lesson and will not make the same mistake twice.

Seeing Ethan happily playing the "pee ka boo" with the grandma. Grandma was hiding behind the sliding door.

Tonight when grandma walked inside the bedroom, Ethan quickly called "papa". I guessed he thought that it was his daddy who had entered the room. At tonight when mummy was reading Peter and Jane to him again, suddenly Ethan grabbed mummy finger and pointed to the picture and said, "baby". Only then did mummy realized that Ethan knows how to pronounce this word. This morning when mummy drove daddy to airport, he pointed to the traffic light and said red . Then when the light turn to green, he said "green". We only realized that he also know how to differentiate between red and green. Maybe this was because every time when he sees the traffic light he wants mummy to tell him. Today Ethan pronounced a lot of new words ie milk, red, green, baby etc. Guessed today he also tried to form a couplet as when he was walking around daddy's car, he said :" Papa car".