Friday, August 22, 2008

Second day in Kindy..

Today was the second day Ethan went to kindy. Need to wake him up again, every morning will be stressful for us as we need to lure Ethan to take his breakfast and bath. Luckily we made it again. Mummy cannot imagine what will happen next week as daddy will have a business trip back to Malaysia.

Initially daddy planned to accompany and drop us at the main gate at the kindy. However, Ethan wanted his daddy to walk with him to the main door of his classroom. Half way there, daddy waived good bye to Ethan and he had no problem about it. Today mummy was so absent minded, mummy brought Ethan to the wrong classroom. Luckily Ethan's teacher was in that building and informed mummy that was the wrong building. After arriving at Ethan's classroom, mummy changed the indoor shoe for Ethan and just left him with the teacher. Mummy waived bye bye to him and informed him that mummy will be coming back at 11.30am to pick him up. Teacher reminded mother to turn on the handphone in case Ethan cry.

This is the first time that mummy went shopping without Ethan. A bit lonely. At 11.25am our driver came and picked up mummy. We headed to the school. Upon arriving at Ethan's classroom, mummy saw some of the kids were crying for their mummy. Ethan was held by his teacher. Teacher told mummy that Ethan was nice at school, he didn't cry or wail. Sometimes he played with the other kids, and sometimes he played by himself. He also participated in every activities. He didn't give any trouble for them. Great job Ethan, seems like you are the big boy now.

Before we left, teacher told mummy to bring more diaper but mummy informed the teacher that she plans to let Ethan go diaper less. Well the teacher advice was just let Ethan be familiar with the environment and settles down then only go diaper less. Mummy plan still cannot work yet as no underwear for Ethan right now. Planning to buy this week.

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