Friday, August 29, 2008

Museum again...

Ethan did not need to attend the school today. So mummy just brought him the Science & Technology Museum. Mummy had promised to let him see the animal since he was exceptionally a good boy in the school. Seeing so many people entered the animal world so mummy just brought Ethan to 2nd floor Robotic World.

Ethan saw the Robot drawing photo of people. So many people were queuing to wait their turn to take photo so that robot can draw the photo. Maybe next time when the school starts next week will we take our photos.

Ethan looking at the robot drawing picture

Mummy let Ethan played the smelling game. Just put the cup under the nose of the face attached to the wall. The face will tell you what is the smell of the cup.

Ethan playing the button for the information of the medical science.

We really got struck in here for quite some time as Ethan really liked to play the machine, shooting the ball out and getting it back.

Before we went to the animal world, mummy managed to bring Ethan to the Spider World but all were dead spiders. Not much fun to see as there were no moving things.

Finally we went to the animal world. Ethan was really excited to see so many animals on display.

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