Monday, August 11, 2008

Our Boy actions

These few days Ethan refused and rejected when we wanted to wear the clothes for him. He wants to do it by himself. Even when we wanted to help him, he also reject by running away or protest. Even though he still has not master the skill of wearing clothes and it may take him about one minute to complete the task but he really enjoys the whole process. When he has successful worn the clothes, he will clap his hand and happily smile. He seems like very proud of himself. So do his parents.

Tada I finished the top part and now is down part turn

I have no problem wearing the pant

Told you that I can complete by myself. Please be patience with me as it need to take some time to complete.

Apart from the above task. He also able to do these:
i) Wearing things
Socks - wear by himself. He only let us adjust the socks after he has completed. Well, taking off the socks is an easy task for him.
Shoes - He have no problem wearing and taking off his shoe.
Diaper - He will open and lay his diaper on the bed then he will sit on it. He lays on the bed. What he can do now is hooking the tape on his diaper.
Waist belt - He still cannot buckle on the belt himself. He tries to take off but unsuccessful.

ii) Transportation.
Car - Climbs up and down from the car. Well, some of parents will think that this is not big deal but we are proud because our car is MPV which is a bit higher than sedan. Besides this he also wanted to wear the safety belt by himself by pulling the belt and locking himself. He even requested his mummy to wear as well so he can lock his mother belt. The lock and unlock of the safety bell for mummy and himself is his task. Sometimes when mummy missed out by unlocking herself, he will lock his mummy again and unlock back. Not to mention that he also wants to open and close the car door by himself.
Subway - Buying the ticket. He wants to press the touch screen to choose number of tickets. Besides this he also wants to insert the money into the machine. Coin and paper money are not a problem for him to insert. The ticket falls down from the machine he also wants to take the ticket and pass to his parents. Besides this, he will also use the card ticket to touch the ticket scanner in order to enter the subway. Of course he surely will not miss inserting the card into the machine to go out from subway station. Last week, we let him stand inside the subway by asking him to hold the handrail inside. When the subway stops he will said" Open the door"
Bicycle - No problem for him

iii) Electric appliance
TV/DVD player/Radio - Switch on and off is an easy task for himself. Nowadays if he wants to watch the Barney he will choose the disc and play the disc by himself. Same for the radio. After the show finished he will switch off every thing. We have only show him one time when we first arrived here. After that he never asks us to do for him. Even when his parents wanted to watch TV or.. he will also not lett his parent do the task.
Air conditional - He will protest when we switch on and off. He wants to do the task.
Notebook - We do not really allow him to play with our notebook especially daddy's one. So he only types the four digit number when we launch the notepad program for him to type. Of course he knows how to turn on his mother's notebook. He also like to insert the SD card when his mummy takes it out from the camera and view photos on the notebook.
Hand phone/phone - This one he simply presses the button. One time he even calls our driver. Our driver has been asking mummy is it Ethan calling him as he saw the phone # was from mummy hand phone and when he pick up the phone, nobody responded.
Camera - no problem for him. Ethan likes to take photo. The most he likes is self taking, he will ask his parent to set the timer to 2 sec. He will then put the camera on the table and press the shutter. After doing this he will run and stand in front of the camera and smile. Really cheeky.

iv) Bath time
Pour the water on the body - mummy takes the big bucket and he takes the small one so that he can also bath himself.
Shampoo - When mummy presses the nozzle from the shampoo bottle, he will imitate his mother to do so. He will put the shampoo on his head and mimic just like what his mother does.
Brush the teeth - He wants to do by himself but mummy refuses to let him. Our deal is that after mummy brushes his teeth using the toothpaste and cleans his mouth then only will let him brush.
Baby powder - He does not let his mother put the powder on his body for quite some time. He will put the powder on by himself in front and the back.

v) Eating and drinking
- not letting people to feed him. We parents only need to clean up the mess. Sometimes he will play with the food when his stomach is full. Recently we noticed that he will pick all the dishes and left the rice.
- makes his own milk. In order to not wast the milk powder mummy will put it into the small milk container and let him pour it inside his milk bottle.

iv) Kitchen
- Heating the food in microwave is his task. He will cry when we do not let him do it.
- Dry up the plates and arrange them inside the drawer
- Open the fridge to take out his favorite food yogurt, yakult and etc by himself.
- He will help his mummy to put the container back or out from the fridge when his mummy asked him to.

v) Other things
Money - whenever we want to pay or receive the money he will steal the job from us. When we ordered the pizza delivery, order the water, he wants to hold the money and pay to the people.
Shopping time - He will help his mummy to take out the stuffs from the trolley. At one time mummy took out all the stuffs then what would he do. He purposely takes one stuff and put back into the trolley and take it out again. To put the food on the weighing machine is his task. Besides this, when mummy chooses the fruit, mummy need to give to him then he will put into the plastic bag for his mother. He protests before when mummy just directly put the fruits inside the plastic bag.
Safety box - when we open the safety box inside our room, even when Ethan was in the living room he will run inside the room and sit in front of the box and takes the money out. Close the safety box door is his task. We wondered why he has such a good hearing when we press the password. We do not dare to teach him this one, afraid that he will simply open and close the safety box.
Hang the cloth - Help his mother hang the clothes. Put the clip and so on.
Open the main door - He will want to put the key into the lock and open the main door. After going into the house, he would want to put on the latch of the door lock.

Those are the one that mummy can remember so far. One word to say is that Ethan is becoming more independent. Sometimes we are wearing out of patience with his independent actions especially when we are in a hurry.

p/s If Ethan can be independent during his bedtime then the most happiest person would be his parents. Currently we still need to accompany him and tuck (sometimes) him to sleep then only we can leave the room. Mummy tried before by letting him sleep by himself and walked out from the room. What did he do, he just followed his mother to walk out from his room. Sometimes when we are so tired then we just fall asleep. He will climb up our bed when he wanted to sleep. We only carry him back to his room when he fell asleep on our bed.

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