Sunday, August 17, 2008

Juicy Fruity

We have brought our blender from Malaysia and yesterday night was the first time we have used the blender to made the fruit juice. Before that mummy used it to make carrot and tomato juice and also the chili. We made the watermelon juice as we know Ethan likes it. Today daddy made another juice - it was grape juice.

Initially mummy doesn't want to let Ethan drink after considering he just finished eating the grape. What did Ethan do? He just went to take the cup and requested his daddy to pour for him. The grape juice was extremely sour so mummy thought that Ethan will spit out after one sip. Well, mummy was wrong, he didn't give up but he took the cup near the water dispenser and he mixed the water with the juice. Smart ho... He knows how to reduce the sour taste. Mummy felt pity for him and added some honey to his juice. He finished all the juice and asked for some more. In order to lure him away from having more, we have to offer him Yakult.

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