Sunday, August 10, 2008

Ethan exploring the Shanghai Chang Feng Park (上海长风公园)

Today we brought Ethan to visit the Chang Feng Park. Our main purpose was to enter the Chang Feng Ocean World. We booked the online ticket beforehand so that we could save RMB20 per adult. In short by doing this we only need to pay RMB200 instead of RMB240. Ethan is under 100cm so he was free entry.

More information about Chang Feng Ocean World can be found at our travel blog:

We started our journey quite late in the morning, it was all due to watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics Game last night. There was also traffic jam in some part of Puxi on our way there. When we arrived it was almost nearly 11.00am. Lots of parent brought their kids into this park. We went in through Gate 4 because it is the nearest to the entrance of the Ocean World.

We started at the Tropical rain forest with the display of different tropical fish, snake, birds etc.

How sharp is you teeth...

Inca symbol of the Mayan world

We placed Ethan in front of the big tank full of the different type of fishes. Ethan loved watching the fishes swam by in front of him.

Sitting and walking in front of the big tank
Besides the tropical fishes there were lot of deep-sea fishes exhibition running inside the Ocean World. It unveils the real life of more than 10 types of deep-sea fishes.

Ethan was playing the Q&A of the flip board

Ethan was busing exploring every part of the Ocean world. From the photo, Ethan was looking at the corals in the aquarium.

Seeing the fish using the scope with reflective mirrors

Ethan was fond of the shark tunnel, he saw lot of sharks, turtles, stingrays and many different kind of fishes swimming around the tunnel from side to side. He liked it when he saw the big shark and turtle swam on top over of his head.

The most exciting part for Ethan was the Penguin aquarium. Ethan was extremely happy when he saw the Penguin swam by in front of him. When the Penguin swam by, Ethan will giggle. He just loved it and he really stood quite some time in front of the Penguin tank just waiting for the penguin to swim by. Luckily from the place that Ethan was standing he could see more than 10 times the penguin swam by. He even counted the penguins.

Before we went out the building, we took some photos inside.

When we out of the building, it was quite hot outside but we have no choice but to walk because we wanted to head to another building for the white whale and sea lion show which started at 13.30. There was about 10 mins walked and some of the local people opt to take the shuttle bus inside the park to the building. It costs RMB5 per person include the children as well.

We did made it for the 13.30pm show. When we arrived there was lots of people inside the stadium already. The good places were mostly occupied. We walked up the stairs and chose the middle seat at the top. Ethan enjoyed the show even though we know that he did not really understand what the announcer said. However, he was happy to see the sea lion and white whale performance.

We didn't take our lunch inside the park as we just going out after the show. Mummy immediately made milk for him after we went inside the car. We headed to HongQiao International Pearl Plaza to buy some DVDs and Ethan only slept after we went there and done our shopping...

Some of facial expression of Ethan while waiting for our driver

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