Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The 4th day in kindergarten

Ethan really likes to go to school. Every morning when mummy wakes him up by telling him that today need to go to school, he didn't laze in the bed. No need to lure him at all. Only things stressful was when comes the time to give him a bath. It is really slow like the snail as he wanted to play with the water like normal time and also wear the stuffs by himself. Today we were a bit late.

When we arrived at the school, Ethan was not the first one who entered the class. Mummy saw some of the kids still crying when their parent were going to leave and still have lots of parent accompanying their kids till their kids settled down. Mummy had no problem with Ethan and he was eagerly wanted to enter the class to play with other kids. He even waived bye bye to his mummy without looking at his mother and his eye was spoting on the toys and friends. He immediately joined in.

At 11.30am, mummy went to pick Ethan up and met one of the parents. She was amazed that Ethan can settle down so quickly and acted like the big boy after having told by the teacher that her little daughter still crys everyday and inactive when they left. Teacher told mummy that she seldom seen kids like Ethan that can adapt and without crying trying to find his parents. He really enjoys it. The comment of the teacher was that they do not really understand what Ethan was saying and that he does not talk much in the class. This one mummy has to admit as sometimes we also don't know what Ethan is talking, sometimes he still likes to talk in baby language and his sentences also "Rojak" mix with Mandarin and English together.

Ethan didn't want to go back home after the school. Mummy had to lure him in order to get him to walk out from the classroom. Same as usual he was the last one who left the classroom.
Happy face after back from the school

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