Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Orientation for Parent

Today mummy have to attend the orientation held by the Yew Chung International. The main purpose was to introduce your kid's classroom teacher and see whether you have anything to ask. Ethan was under the K2A class in which the class consists of 14 students. There were two teachers under each class. One is a Chinese teacher and another is a foreigner teacher.

Well today's questions mainly concern about: -
i) Do we need to accompany the kids for the whole half day during the settling period? The teacher said it was up to you and your kid. If your kid is ok with the environment then it is ok for you to choose either to leave or stay. Whether you want to accompany your kid to play or you just stand aside and watch the kids play with other. This year the school cut short the settling period to 4 days as the parent complained it was too long(last year was 8 days). These few days we parents need to be available at all times. The school will call for us to return to the class if our child consistently display signs of distress for more than 20 minutes.
ii) Do we need to sneak out from the school? Well, the practice here is better to said goodbye to your kid before you leave as it may hurt the kid as they think you are leaving him/her with the stranger without coming back again. Just tell the kid that you will be back after the school to fetch him/her. The teacher said how the way you would tell your kid you want to leave is up to your family's practice. Mummy knows that in Malaysia the kindergarten normally the teacher will ask the parent to sneak out from the school. The teacher even said that sometimes after the kids settled down they will suddenly cry for mummy and daddy.
iii) Potty Training. Some of the parent claimed that their kid is already potty trained but the teacher just said it is better to put on the diaper on the first few days as the kid will be uncomfortable with the new environment. Sometimes they just pee without informing. Yup, this one mummy agreed as you didn't expected that your kid will inform the stranger that he wants to pee. So the teacher said normally after the settling down then they will ask the parent to let them know what is the sign language or any words that the kids show that they want to go to toilet. If the parent insisted that they want to be diaper less for the first few days, the advice was to bring more clothes as currently the school just requested to prepare one set.
iv) Since the school provides the snack for the kids, some of the parent was worried that the food was not enough for their kids. The teacher just explained that they will observe the situation if the kids want some more they will give him more.
v) Some of parent really like those need to ask for favor. Said I'm who who parent, my son will be in your class, please take care of my kids.
vi) Some said that her son is very active in the house except he when watches the DVD time so please take care of my son.
vi) The indoor shoe, request the shoe to cover the toes and feet. Sun block and hat as currently still very hot outside. Well, not able to find today, mummy was asking daddy go back Malaysia to buy since daddy will have business trip back next week.

Now mummy was worried whether Ethan can adapt to the new environment. That why we only enroll him for 3 days per week. If he really likes the school then perhaps next semester we change to 5 days per week.

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