Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Visited Shanghai Science & Technology Museum again

Since mummy did not need to rush for the preparation of lunch, mummy brought Ethan to the Museum again. We still have yet to fully cover all the places. This time we only target the 1st floor. There were so many people visiting the Museum, lots of car and bus. Some of them brought the tourist and some of them brought the summer camp students. Some of them are just like us, private visitors.

Currently there is the "巴斯夫小小化学家" BASF activities held in the Museum, so lots of parent or teacher brought the kids to attend. Need to register at the counter to get the ticket. They go in batch by batch. For those who registered late would need to wait for next session. Well, Ethan was not qualified for it. It is mainly targeting kid aged from 6 to 12. They will asked the age of the kids before letting you register.

We went to the "Earth Exploration". There were some display of different kind of rock, fossil and etc. We went down to another floor to continue our journey. There was some model of how the oil is extracted from the sea. Ethan was attracted with the moving model.

We were so lucky that we managed to watch the demonstration of the Volcano explosion. As the guide asked visitors to close their ears if they are afraid of the sound effect. Mummy didn't know whether you will be afraid or not, just asked you to close your ear so mummy took some video. Well, Ethan really enjoyed this short show.

Crossed the wooden bridge through the man made cave with stalactite and stalagmite. There was sound of water dripping, creaking frog and some of unknown sound. Well, the environment seemed scary.

Another area we entered was the "Children Science Land". You only can play with your favorite electric swing. We only explored for a while since lot of things Ethan were not qualified to play. Emm....

We headed to "Light of wisdom". Display of the Law of Physic, Chemical and Biology. Ethan was hooked to this machine.

"AV Discovery Paradise"and "Cradle of Designer", both were the last visit for us. Not much time spent in here as Ethan was not really interest. Maybe he was too small and mummy also did not have time to explore. Emm. Really need to wait for Ethan to start schooling then mummy can come here alone.

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