Saturday, July 12, 2008

Last stop for Ethan - Fahua Pagoda(法华塔)

After visited the Museum, we quickly headed to other places of interest before having our lunch. This place was very near the Museum, less than 5 mins drive. It is Fahua Pagoda. Since we have already bought the combined ticket so we saved RMB5 per person entering this attraction.

There were two building which have exhibition, one was for displaying the ancient things and the history of Jiading. We didn't take photo inside as the light was so dim. Another exhibition was regarding the life and personal artifacts of Wellington Koo.

The photo on the right is the entrance to the Wellington Koo's exhibition

Ethan saw the floor is the same as our apartment so he thought he needed to take off his shoes. In the end bottom of his feet became so dirty.

Some of the exhibition

The photo on the right was taken by daddy from the 1st floor of the pagoda

Fahua Pagoda
We wanted to explore this pagoda and went to climb the staircase. We found out that actually there was very narrow and steep ladders. It was very difficult and dangerous for Ethan. Mummy gave up and asked daddy to do it himself as mummy needs to accompany Ethan down the pagoda. Daddy took the photo of mummy and Ethan when daddy reached the 1st floor. Mummy wanted to take back photo of daddy. After taking daddy's photo, mummy found out that Ethan had already ran away, he wanted to be at top like daddy. Mummy had to run towards the staircase and found that Ethan had already climbed half way on the ladder. We nearly had a heart attack seeing Ethan doing this kind of dangerous actions. No choice, have to look over him carefully while he was climbing the ladder.

See how narrow and steep of the staircase and ladder

Rest for a while and continue again

We took some photos at the 1st floor and 2nd floor of the pagoda. Mummy was freaked out when seeing daddy put Ethan on the railing of the pagoda . It was very high. Actually when we arrived at 1st floor, we have planned to walk down. If not because of Ethan who had already started to climb the staircase to the second floor, we would have already stopped at 1st floor. After reaching the 2nd floor, Ethan still wanted to continue but we stopped him before he made a move. If not, who knows we might climbed to the top of the pagoda.

Mummy asked daddy to go down first so that daddy can help Ethan walked down the ladder. It was very difficult to step down especially for kids like Ethan. Our son was really brave and he had shown no fear of heights at all. Maybe because he was still too small. When we touched down the ground floor, the management and guide were asking how old is Ethan. They said he is really brave.

Before we left, we took the opportunity to take a photo with the plate in front of the pagoda which we had forgotten to take when we entered the place.

After this visit we went for our lunch at KFC. Seems like that's the only fast fun we have seen in this town. And on the way to another attractions, Ethan fell asleep in the car. He was very tired after having visited so many attractions. He missed visiting "Shanghai Guyi Garden".

More information about FaHua Pagoda can be found at our travel blog:

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