Tuesday, July 1, 2008

High Chair

Mummy is considering to buy another high chair for Ethan. The high chair we sent to Shanghai is in a bad condition when we received it. The whole chair was full of fungus/mold and the steel is also rusty. This may be due to the shipment people covered it up with lots of foam and put under the cold storage and when took it out again, it created the humidity inside which cause the high chair to be in a bad condition. Mummy did tried to wash it away but is not successful as there is lot of marks here and there. Guessed the high chair was put too long in cold storage (more than half a month)

Ethan likes to sit and eat together with us during lunch and dinner time. (not for breakfast time because most of the time he is still in his slumber land). With the high chair, he can eat the whole bowl of rice. If you just leave him alone to eat, definitely cannot finish the rice and he will play with the rice also. He enjoys the time we eat together. Since mummy still can not find the suitable one so have to use it first(wash and dry it, only have few marks on the seat) and scan around for a good one. We definitely will not bring it back to Malaysia when daddy's assignment is over.

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