Friday, July 11, 2008

Revisited the Science & Technology Museum

Today we revisited again the Science & Technology Museum, we tried to visit those places that we missed out yesterday. Well, still cannot cover all. In fact, mummy also did not really have chances to explore in more detail. Need to wait until Ethan starts his schooling then mummy and daddy will go together. Now mostly is chasing the active boy trying to explore the things inside the Museum.

First, we chose the "World of Robots". We did not managed to spend much time yesterday here so today we got to see some of the robot that we missed out yesterday. Less photos here because we just looked around.

There is a robot playing the piano, you can go on the stage and choose the song you want to karaoke. Ethan and mummy had the chance to do so and mummy chose the song "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" for Ethan and let the robot played for us. But Ethan just looked at the screen and did not do anything, he wondered why all the Chinese words which he doesn't know. Should teach him the Chinese version so that the next time he can sing it.

Our second visit was "Information Era". Here it was shown the animation, CD, the computer history. How the computer chips were made and etc. All about technology.

Using the mic and asks the dog to do the action like sit, stand, walk and etc.

"Home of Earth" teaches that we should love our earth. Showing some of extinct animals, recycling the rubbish and etc.

Ethan took the picture in front of the dinosaurs poster. It was movie about dinosaurs. Mummy does not plan to watch all the movies with Ethan due to few reasons. First, he is too small, may not understand what the lessons from the movies. Secondly need to buy ticket to watch less than one hour movie. No free admission for kids like Ethan. Will wait until Ethan is a bit older then only consider.

We headed to the 3rd floor the "Space Navigation". The exhibition is about the space ship, galaxy and etc. We didn't spend much time here as Ethan just kept on walking here and there nonstop. So just took some photos and that's all. Will revisit the next time.

Ethan took photo with the space ship

We went to the 1st floor "Children's Science Land". Lots of kids and parents were there. This place is the paradise for kids. The kids can do lot of activities but some of them are not suitable for Ethan as he is too small. One of the activities is to be like an architect engineer building your building. One has to climb up and down to do the work like contractor. Mummy didn't bring Ethan to explore all the sites, just selected a few.

Mummy brought Ethan to look at the vegetable and fruit site. Need to climb up very steep staircase. In there, kids can play the puzzle of the vegetable, and calculate age of a tree, etc.

Afraid of sitting on the top of pumpkin and playing the puzzle

Mummy brought Ethan to the playground that only allowed the kids age from 1 - 4 years old. Adult were not allowed to enter. The kids will be accompanied by the volunteer workers there. Ethan had fun inside this playground. At first they shown them the rainbow which mummy surely doesn't understand as asking the kids to look at floor which have light reflection of rainbow color. Later Ethan discovered the small elephant behind the tree. He walked towards it, at first Ethan was freaked out by the moving elephant and the sound. One other kid was frightened by the moving elephant and needed her grandpa to hold her. Mummy was proud of Ethan because he managed to overcame his fear by himself after a while. He was touching the elephant's trunk and body and even requested his mummy to take photo of him with the elephant.

After playing with the elephant, Ethan wanted to walk out as mummy did not accompany him . Mummy asked him to follow the big sister to play other things inside the playground. The volunteer worker brought Ethan to the mushroom site. When she hit the mushroom, the mushroom will introduce itself. Ethan just follow and hit the mushroom. He had some fun time hitting different mushrooms.

After the mushroom, Ethan chose to play with the swing. It was an electrical swing. When you used the leg to push down the steel underneath the swing the swing will swing. Ethan saw the big sister keep on stepping on the steel and he also wanted to follow but unfortunately his leg is not long enough.

After the Children's Science Land, mummy called the driver to pick us up. That's enough for today. Still have some places we will save for the next trip. Mummy knew Ethan was tired as he woke up early at 6.00am this morning.

Happily eating his favorite cheerios

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