Thursday, July 10, 2008

Shanghai Science & Technology Museum

Yes. We have visited this Museum today!
Since it is a weekday so mummy took the opportunity to bring Ethan to the Science & Technology Museum. We headed to the destination at about 9 something in the morning just when the Museum is about to open. Knowing that daddy will not be accompanying us so often, mummy just bought the "Family Annual" card which is for one adult and one child 亲子参观年卡. The cost is RMB250. If included daddy, the cost will be RMB450. There was no free admission for kids. Also we have to take photo in order to made the card. So funny was when mummy filled in the form, mummy told the counter that mummy didn't know the address that we stayed. Luckily he just accepted. Maybe seeing that we are also not the China resident so our address will not be fixed.

We went to explore the "Animal World" first. Lot of animals model inside. The animals there are categorized into different regions. Cannot really take a good photo as the light was dim and didn't explore in deep as there were lots of people.

Besides the Animal's World was the "Spectrum of Life". Entering the tropical forest with the steady man made rock staircase. There were plants of different species of green grass, cactus and trees. There is also one man made waterfall, bridge etc. Inside the Spectrum of Life, there were exhibition of bat cave, fish, insect, reptile, bird etc. Besides that it also has some information explaining what is the DNA, bacteria etc. Mummy didn't have chance to take all the photos as she needed to care of Ethan.

After we explored the Spectrum of life. We rest for a while before we headed to the 2nd floor. We skip the Spiders exhibition and headed to the "World Of Robots". Ethan seems like a bit tired as he requested his mother to hold him. When he saw the robotic building the car, he requested to come down. When he saw the robotic dances, he also danced together. We didn't explore much in the robot section.

Seeing the World of Robot also had so many people, we headed for the "Information Era". We also didn't spend much time in here as Ethan was already tired at this point.

Tire and hungry face

We didn't explore lot of other places like the Earth Exploration, Children's Science Land , Light of Wisdom, Space Navigation etc. These we will save for the next trip since we have 1 year of unlimited entering opportunity to this Museum.

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