Thursday, July 31, 2008

Apple distributor...

Sometimes apple will be our after dinner appetizer. Ethan, our little master will hold the whole plate and distributes the apple to his papa and mama. When papa and mama finished eating the apple, he will distribute again but when came to the last piece on the plate. He will said "Papa Mama, don't want". Then we normally teased him by saying "We want". What would he do next? This cheeky boy will say "No, Papa Mama don't want" with a laugh and took the plate far away from his parents. He treats the apple as his possession.

Continue from last night

Early morning at 4 something, mummy went to Ethan's room to check the cloth diaper whether it had functioned well or not. When entering the room, mummy can smell a bit the urine when gotten closer to Ethan. But considering Ethan was still in deep sleep mood so mummy didn't disturb him. At 7.00am, mummy reentered the room again, now the smell was really strong so mummy just cannot stand it and decided to change the cloth diaper for him. After taking off his cloth diaper he continued to sleep but when came to wear another cloth diaper he woke up. Daddy told mummy why not just let him go diaper less after taking off the diaper so that Ethan can continue to sleep. Mummy used the hand to check the 3 layers of the insert. All heavily wet.

Now need to think of reducing the intake of milk and water before Ethan goes to sleep or let Ethan wee wee before he goes to sleep.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Testing at night time

Tonight we decided to use the cloth diaper for Ethan instead of disposable diaper. Why we suddenly having this idea of switching? All due to the fact that we are afraid that the disposable diaper we have shipped from Malaysia will not be enough to last for the whole year. Even though we only consume one piece of disposable diaper per day(daytime nap mummy uses cloth diaper, the rest of the time Ethan is diaper less), we still worried as we want to save it for use during travel time. Till now mummy still not dare to let him go no diaper during the shopping time and travel time. Mummy knows that when Ethan informs us that he wants to wee wee, in just few second his urine will come out. He cannot hold on to it until we find the toilet. Sometimes some of the journey took few hours before reaching our destination.

Why didn't we buy diaper in Shanghai? We have bought some before. The Mamy Poko in Shanghai is thinner and more expensive. Not worth the money. ..

Mummy has the cloth diaper for quite some time but still not dare to try for night time all because of Ethan is a heavy wetter. Been tried to insert one extra layer in the cloth diaper and went out with Ethan for one hour shopping. The cloth diaper was full and his whole pants was wet. Sometimes even two layers for nap time also can leak and wet the bedsheets. This had freaked mother to try at night time.

Tonight after discussing with daddy, we have made our move. Mummy inserted 3 layers inside the cloth diaper and prayed hard that it can work. But after letting Ethan wearing so thick cloth diaper, his pants was a bit tight. Mummy is considering to buy the China's kid pant with the hole in the backside. Talking about the China's kid pant was a bit weird when mummy first seen it. There was a big hole at the back of the pant, it was convenient for the kid that he does not need to take off the pant when going to do big and small business.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Visited Shanghai Science & Technology Museum again

Since mummy did not need to rush for the preparation of lunch, mummy brought Ethan to the Museum again. We still have yet to fully cover all the places. This time we only target the 1st floor. There were so many people visiting the Museum, lots of car and bus. Some of them brought the tourist and some of them brought the summer camp students. Some of them are just like us, private visitors.

Currently there is the "巴斯夫小小化学家" BASF activities held in the Museum, so lots of parent or teacher brought the kids to attend. Need to register at the counter to get the ticket. They go in batch by batch. For those who registered late would need to wait for next session. Well, Ethan was not qualified for it. It is mainly targeting kid aged from 6 to 12. They will asked the age of the kids before letting you register.

We went to the "Earth Exploration". There were some display of different kind of rock, fossil and etc. We went down to another floor to continue our journey. There was some model of how the oil is extracted from the sea. Ethan was attracted with the moving model.

We were so lucky that we managed to watch the demonstration of the Volcano explosion. As the guide asked visitors to close their ears if they are afraid of the sound effect. Mummy didn't know whether you will be afraid or not, just asked you to close your ear so mummy took some video. Well, Ethan really enjoyed this short show.

Crossed the wooden bridge through the man made cave with stalactite and stalagmite. There was sound of water dripping, creaking frog and some of unknown sound. Well, the environment seemed scary.

Another area we entered was the "Children Science Land". You only can play with your favorite electric swing. We only explored for a while since lot of things Ethan were not qualified to play. Emm....

We headed to "Light of wisdom". Display of the Law of Physic, Chemical and Biology. Ethan was hooked to this machine.

"AV Discovery Paradise"and "Cradle of Designer", both were the last visit for us. Not much time spent in here as Ethan was not really interest. Maybe he was too small and mummy also did not have time to explore. Emm. Really need to wait for Ethan to start schooling then mummy can come here alone.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Alphabet Game

Today mummy played the alphabet game with Ethan. Mummy started with the A then Ethan continued to arrange them until Z.

Well, cannot said Ethan 100% knows how to arrange it correctly as he still missed something like:
i) Cannot find the blocks of the next alphabet. Not blaming him as he need to find them from the 50 blocks. Mummy gave him a clue to where the block was.
ii) Forget the next sequence of the alphabet but he only miss one or two. Mummy reminded him the next one.
iii) Mummy started with the capital letter but sometimes, he arranges it in small letter. So mummy helped him to turn the blocks to capital letter.

Other than the above, he had done it all by himself.

Ah Wong hairstyle

Ethan didn't cut his hair since we arrived in Shanghai. His hair is getting longer especially on his forehead. So mummy decided to cut it short. Yes, cut it but the end result was too short. Daddy said Ethan now look like Ah Wong's hairstyle. What to do, need to wait for the hair to grow. Maybe can rectify by putting daddy's hair gel?

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Finally the Square Pagoda Park (方塔园)

After visiting the Xi Lin Temple, we have decided not to go for another attraction nearby the 清真寺 Islam Mosque. During the lunch we even came across our mind to end our journey after this Xi Lin Temple itself after considering the weather and also Ethan. At last we just go for it because we knew that next time visit to Songjiang District we will not have enough time again to visit this attractions. We actually hoped that Ethan will going to sleep on our way to Square Pagoda Park, but he didn't. So we have to bring him down with us again.

Again the weather was so hot, we didn't take family photo in front of the main entrance. We just wanted to quickly finish this visit.

Helping daddy buy the ticket

Took photo in front of map
Luckily inside the park has got lot of trees, so it let us avoid from the hot sun. We walked around and took some photos.

Welcome to China Expo sign

Seems it was so hot nearby the pagoda, mummy once again asked daddy to go and take the photo of pagoda and surrounding. Mummy once again sat under the tree with Ethan.

Posting different post while waiting for daddy

Due to hot weather, we just took a quick photo in front of the pagoda. Mummy and Ethan didn't explore the surrounding of the pagoda. Cannot blame them, it was simply too hot.

There was a temple in front of the pagoda. We just dropped by for a while due to the hot weather.

Besides this temple, there was a pathway to another attraction. Good things about it was that both sides of the road was full of trees. It was like heaven to us in this hot weather.

There was a building that held display of the history and things about a general who was sacrificed during the war time.

Ethan was so happy when we came to this place. There were pair by pair of rock statues side by side on the concrete path. The first we saw was the turtle but it was a bit broken so it was not safe for Ethan to ride. He tried to climb the sheep rock statue. From the photo he was so happy riding and didn't want to come down. We have to lure him down by saying that we will put him on the other statue. Only then was he willing to let us carry him down.

The second ride was a horse statue, it was quite high to sit on it. At first we were worried for Ethan's safety sitting so high but he just didn't care. He enjoyed the ride. He even laughed at other people not able to ride on the horse due to the height. Really cheeky boy.

From the photo, the horse ride was high

On way back to the main entrance
Ethan fell asleep after getting into the car. He was really tired after traveling to so many places in one day.

More information regarding Square Pagoda Garden can be found at our travel blog: