Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Will he become a Big eater ???

Recently Ethan has become a bit bigger eater and mummy's hope is that with this he can gain a couple of kg weight.

This morning mother bought him 5 pieces of "Apom". Mummy hoped that he can have something to eat while his parents were having their breakfast. First, mother only gave him one piece and he requested for another and then another after finishing them one by one. Mommy had to hide the remaining two pieces by covering with the food cover. He noticed mother's action. Before he puts up a fuss, mother had to tell him that these remaining two are saved for afternoon tea time. At first, mother didn't think that he could finish the three pieces of "apom" after he just taken his 6oz of milk. Really cannot underestimate his stomach.

Normally the main dishes for Ethan are rice, vegetable, fish and meat. The extra one would be egg, carrot, mushroom and tafu. Today's extra dishes was soup.

He loves to drink, he even doesn't want to finish the rice and wanted to have the soup by saying : " Soup! Soup!" Mummy wanted to cook soup for him but it really need time. Mother normally uses the water to steam heat the soup. Mother didn't put into the slow cooker. By using the water to heat up the soup really uses lot of gas. Using this method does not really work on peanut soup because the peanut cannot get soft through this. Normally grandma will use the pressure cooker to cook it. Mother considered to buy one but grandma said if really want it, you need to monitor the pressure of the cooker if not it will blow away the kitchen. Mother knows this because grandma's neighbor house blew up the kitchen, mother had witnessed it before.

Besides this during the dinner time, he also can finish one bowl of rice, followed by one bottle of yogurt and one sandwich ice cream. Every time when mummy baths him she will notice how big Ethan's belly. It seems to look like people who are a few months pregnant. However, not sure where the food has gone as he is still a very skinny little chap.

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