Sunday, March 9, 2008

Jealousy boy

Today we traveled to mainland to settle few matters, Kill two birds with one stone.
1) Took the pajamas for Ethan from grandma
2) Get Pediasure milk powder and some samples of fiber juice
3) Visited the baby - quite some time we did not meet the baby after she was discharged from the hospital.

Every time when we visit the baby, it will always during breast feeding time and we always forgot to take photo of the baby. Therefore no photo of the baby with Ethan. :-(

After feeding the baby, she was put on the bed. Mummy touched the baby. Ethan boy pulled away mother's hand when mummy was touching the baby. Mummy tried a few times and every time was pulled away by Ethan. Everybody said that Ethan was jealous.

This action prompt mother to think twice of having another baby in the house.

We had our lunch at nearby place. Mother gave Ethan another try to feed himself outside. Mother always think that eating outside should let Ethan wears the bib in order to prevent his clothes from getting dirty. But since this was an unexpected lunch plan, luckily mother got prepared another clothes in the backpack. (Well, grandma always remind mother to bring another set of clothes and few diapers when going out).We were surprised that Ethan can eat the whole plate of rice and vegetable, tafu etc. The outcome was very good as not much rice spilled out from place into the floor. Mother actually counted the rice, it was less than 5 rice. Seems like letting him self feeding the yogurt everyday did show some results. Few days ago he even asked mother to let him self feed the soup after seeing mother spoon fed him.

Well some of the parents may think that this is not a big deal as Ethan is already more than two year olds. But we were greatly cheered up when we seen him accomplished another milestones. Right?

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