Saturday, March 29, 2008

My son, it was "COCONUT"

Evening time, we let Ethan do some exercise in the garden since he had eaten a lot here. Mother wanted to see the dragon fruit's flower blossom that grandma told her. We tried to show Ethan the flower but he was not interested at all and only wanted to run around. He loved to run all over the garden. Well, grandpa's house really got a big space for him to do just that!

Later daddy saw a lot of coconuts hanging in the tree so he decided to pick them down. However, mummy told him that the tree was too high. Daddy didn't give up the idea of wanting to pick and drink the coconut. So daddy took the long bamboo stick and tried to twist the coconut down. Well, our kpc son saw this, and sure enough he wanted to take a part too. So both of them tried hard to pick at the coconut.

Yup, mummy took this opportunity to tell Ethan that he was picking the coconut. In the end, the bamboo stick broken down into two. The coconuts are still intact on the tree. Ethan picked the shorter one up and tried to mimic his father's action. Daddy only manage to pull down one old coconut which later become football for both daddy and son. They challenged each other with old coconut kicking game.

Ethan picked up the coconut, threw and kicked it. They really have fun. Of course Ethan also done lots of exercise by bending down his body to pick the coconut and thrown it around. Ran here and there to pick and kick. After having his fun with the coconut. Our son now knew that the object he was playing with is a coconut. He learned the new word very fast by always repeating :" Coconut". Before that mother only shown him picture of coconut in the book. He could not really remembered it back then.

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