Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Splash all the way

Seeing that today was a goody day, my son got chance to play outside.
While he was busy moving his tricycle and toy car, mummy opened the gate wanted to water the plants (It has been quite a lots of days that mummy didn't water the plants, if not because of the rain water. I guessed all the plants will already be dead) Knowing that mother will be watering the plants, our kcp son quickly ran out and ignored his stuff. He was holding the bottom part of the pipe pretending that he was watering the plants.

After finished watering, mummy let him try to water the plants inside the garden. Well, he went into glee mood knowing that he can get to water the plants by himself. At first it was ok for him as he targeted the red palm tree then later the direction changed a bit. Then mummy asked him to water the plants by pointing her hand to the direction of a plant. Next thing you know what he did? He turned his body and splashed the water into the mother's whole body. He was giggling at his action after seeing mother get all soaking wet.

After that he pointed the pipe toward the hall's window. Luckily the window wasn't open. He just had fun washing the window as he saw lots of water splashed here and there. Mommy attempted to close the tap but our son protested. Well, seeing that he had so much fun and mummy thought that why not let his become mummy's helper. Mummy let he put the water on the floor while she swept and washed the car porch. We were good teammates.

After finished washing the car porch, Ethan refused to go inside the house as he still wanted to play with the water. Mummy had no choice but to stop him as it was getting late already and the sun shone down. Mummy was afraid that Ethan will get sick with his whole body wet while sweating. He tried to open the tap after mother ended his fun time. He yelled did not want to come inside the house. Mummy had to lure by saying tomorrow we will do it again.

Same thing happened when mother let Ethan had his bath. See how naughty he was. So in order to prevent mummy's clothes from getting wet, mother has to use the towel to cover her body.

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