Monday, March 3, 2008

Learn to read

Till now at 2+ years old Ethan still sleeps inside the crib. Some of hubby's peer said that their kid already does not use the crib. This is mainly due to their kid trying to escape from the crib - thus it is dangerous. While it happened one time that Ethan fell down from the crib when mummy was taking a bath. Mother heard the big "BANG" sound and quickly ran out from bathroom and saw Ethan already laying head down on the floor. Until now mother still cannot figure out how Ethan climbed out and fell down as there was no bruise on his body. That time Ethan cried and wailed like hell. Guessed he was freaked out by the big bang. After that mother has to monitor our little boy whenever he is in his crib.

So now the tactic is to put lots of books beside his crib so that when he wakes up, he will be busy playing and reading the books. Mother got peeped a few times and seen Ethan reading by himself in the crib. He will point to the object and read it out loud. Seems like Ethan is secretly practicing the vocal of the words. Sometimes he really surprised us when we read book together with him. We thought that he doesn't know how to speak the words but he does. Yup, Ethan is trying hard to learn to speak and read.

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