Friday, March 7, 2008

Milk+ water = Heavy wetter???

Mother had worried about Ethan in these 2 areas:
1) Gaining his weight
2) Constipation problem

Seeing Ethan is so slim and cannot put on weight, mummy considered to change from formula milk to "Pediasure". Hoping that by changing the formula milk he can gain couple of kg and height (mother feels that Ethan is short compared to other kids. hihi)

Couple of times found that Ethan took off his cloth/disposable diaper. Well, it is not the case that he doesn't want to wear the diaper. It was because the diaper already cannot hold his urine and leaked outside so he just took off and threw it outside his crib. This had made him pee few times inside the crib. Ethan is a heavy wetter, the cloth diaper cannot stand and hold his urine even during nap time. I know that giving Ethan to drink milk and water before he sleeps will made him urine a lot. So in order to proof that milk is the root cause, mummy tried to feed him rice and 1oz of water before his nap time, the outcome was still the same, lots of urine. When mummy bought the cloth diaper and she thought that she can say bye bye to the disposable diaper. Seems like the plan doesn't really work out. Night time mummy still need to let Ethan wears the Mamy Poko, actually mamy poko also cannot really hold Ethan urine for the whole night. Sometimes in the middle of the night, Ethan will wake up by kicking his legs and cries because of the leak. Sometimes his legs will be bruised because of this. That time we parents will have a hard time to change his pajamas as he refuses to. This may be due to fact that he still wants to sleep but cannot stand from the wet.

Few days ago Mummy mentioned in the blog that Ethan refused to go to toilet, thank god the condition has improved now. He is willing to do potty training again. The tactic is not to force him, if he accidentally pee on the floor just quietly and silently cleans it up. He feels like a magic as whenever he pee on the floor then mummy have to take him to toilet to continue the rest so when he comes out from toilet the floor is dry as before. He will point to the floor and curious why the floor is not wet. Hooray part is that mummy still sticks on the plan i.e. one day one disposable diaper.

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