Monday, March 31, 2008

Exercise - I love ball

Since mummy brought Ethan back to Kedah, he had developed a habit of exercising in morning and evening time. Everyday he wants to go to garden to kick the ball. When the time comes, he will take his ball and asks people to open the door for him to go out to the garden.

He likes to run all around the garden, kicking the ball. Sometimes the ball fall inside the drain, he will not let go of the opportunity to kick the ball inside the drain.(See the photo). Every day he will exercise at least 30min and above. He sweats a lot and both his cheeks become red. The bad thing is that this exercise makes him sweat a lot then the sweat was very salty and this made his skin itchy. He scratches around his neck and made his neck reddish. We sometime have to clean his body and put some powder to prevent him from scratching.

Haaa.. So thirsty after lots of exercise. Excuse me! Let me drink water first...

Well, good things about the exercise is that Ethan can sleep without us having to tuck him in bed. Guess he was very tired. Hihiiiii

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Photo with Baby Wan Ting

Finally mummy managed to take photo of Ethan with his new cousin.

When mummy was holding the baby for the first time after going back to Kedah, Ethan was pulling mummy's hand and not allowed mummy to hold the baby. But after that he just forget about his jealousy as there were other interested things that attracted him. So mummy thought that Ethan can finally accept the baby. However, things cannot last long as after a few days I guess Ethan was feeling threatened as mummy kept on holding the baby. He wanted to claim back his territory. So he was always looking for mummy when mummy was not in his view. He kept on finding mother the whole day and pulled mummy out of the baby's room.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

My son, it was "COCONUT"

Evening time, we let Ethan do some exercise in the garden since he had eaten a lot here. Mother wanted to see the dragon fruit's flower blossom that grandma told her. We tried to show Ethan the flower but he was not interested at all and only wanted to run around. He loved to run all over the garden. Well, grandpa's house really got a big space for him to do just that!

Later daddy saw a lot of coconuts hanging in the tree so he decided to pick them down. However, mummy told him that the tree was too high. Daddy didn't give up the idea of wanting to pick and drink the coconut. So daddy took the long bamboo stick and tried to twist the coconut down. Well, our kpc son saw this, and sure enough he wanted to take a part too. So both of them tried hard to pick at the coconut.

Yup, mummy took this opportunity to tell Ethan that he was picking the coconut. In the end, the bamboo stick broken down into two. The coconuts are still intact on the tree. Ethan picked the shorter one up and tried to mimic his father's action. Daddy only manage to pull down one old coconut which later become football for both daddy and son. They challenged each other with old coconut kicking game.

Ethan picked up the coconut, threw and kicked it. They really have fun. Of course Ethan also done lots of exercise by bending down his body to pick the coconut and thrown it around. Ran here and there to pick and kick. After having his fun with the coconut. Our son now knew that the object he was playing with is a coconut. He learned the new word very fast by always repeating :" Coconut". Before that mother only shown him picture of coconut in the book. He could not really remembered it back then.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Blue become "Bee"

Mummy doesn't know why suddenly Ethan said the color of blue as 'bee'. Actually, the time when he started to learn the color, he can pronounce blue correctly. But recently the pronunciation was out? Mummy tried to correct it back but seems like Ethan still kept on saying bee. This only happened these few days. Headache for mummy ....

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Row ! Row ! Row ! The Boat

It has been quite a while that Ethan didn't play with this "MEGA BLOCKS". It's time to take it out again. Mother brought out few blocks from the box but our son liked to pour out all of them on the floor. He was more interested in the big box which is used to fill those blocks. See our naughty boy went inside the box and treated it like he was rowing the boat. After enjoyed going in and out, he finally wanted to stack the blocks.

Long Pant

Mummy seldom buys long pants for Ethan mainly due to the hot weather in Malaysia. In addition, it was easy to let Ethan pee in the short pants instead of long pants.

But seems like we are going to relocate to a 4 seasons country, it might be wise to buy and need the long pant. (Actually no question Ethan must have it). Currently Ethan only got two long pants and the others 3 look like exercise pants. So mummy's next objective is to buy the long pants for Ethan.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Will he be addicted to TV?

Sometimes seeing the mummy bloggers complained about some of MIL like to let their grandchild to watch lots of TV program.
Lately because mother wanted to cook for Ethan before his nap time. So in order to let him sit still, mother has to let him watch the "Brainy Baby". Mother felt guilty in doing this and afraid that Ethan will be addicted to the TV.
Have to think of the solution to avoid this problem. It came to mind things like below:
1) Mother has to wake up early to cook all the dishes before Ethan wakes up
2) Let Ethan drink milk and sleep first then use his nap time to cook.

Currently mother opt for 2nd choice. But the bad impact is that sometimes Ethan only eat one meal per day. This is because sometimes he will sleep till 4 something before waking up which was too close to the time between lunch and dinner.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Cycling the bike

Few months back mother bought the bicycle for Ethan after seeing that he had became an expert in cycling the tricycle. Well, the outcome was not so good that time as Ethan was not high enough to pedal the whole cycle. Today, due to the idea of buying more cloth diaper, mummy have to measure Ethan in order to get the size. So measurement showed that Ethan had grown 1 inch of height since the last measurement (cannot remember which month). This had pleased mother as she is afraid that Ethan cannot grow taller. Since he has increased in height so mother thought that there is no harm to let him try once again to ride the bicycle.

First he still can not really do it but after a few attempts, he slowly gotten the idea of how to pedal and control the direction of the bicycle. I guess next step would be to let him cycle outside the house.

Books - consolidation

Since mother let Ethan play and read at different places in the house so the books and toys were everywhere. Some books and toys are in the living hall, study room, playroom and bedroom. So in order to ease packing, mummy started to consolidate the books inside our bedroom. It means that there will be more time reading in bedroom. Toys are in the playroom and living hall.

Besides stacking all the books in one place, mother also has to repair the books. Some of the books were worn out because of Ethan. The way he read and flipped the books, really rough. Need to use lots of tapes to stick here and there especially at the edge of the books.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Little stick visitor

Today Ethan pointed his finger up the wall, he wanted to inform mother that there was something in the wall. Wah! It looked like a stick. Lesson time! Took this chance to teach Ethan what this insect was. It was "Stick Insect"

Mummy asked me to take photo with this little visitor

Sunday, March 23, 2008

More Books and toys

Mother have started the action of buying more books for Ethan. Today we brought the Bahasa Malaysia book for "Suku Kata". Will try to teach Ethan when we spend our one year in oversea. Hope that when we are back and have to enroll Ethan in Local Kindergarten, the gap for BM will not be too big. Actually this task should be passed to daddy as he always reminded mother that he got A in BM for his SPM exam.
Besides buying the books, Ethan also received two toys today. It was a train and a truck. We have considered this toys because we never buy any transportation toy for him. Besides that the price was also reasonable.

We only opened the toy with remote control for him. He was happy and excited when daddy demonstrated to him by pressing the remote control button and made the train run. This is the IR remote control type of train. He never have this type of toy before. Daddy mentioned to mummy that we seldom buy the electronic toys for our son. He had lots of fun playing with this toy. Guess we made the right choice by buying this toy.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Money Face

We don't know when Ethan started to develop love for money. However some cases have proven that my kid is kinda money face:
i) Sometimes when he is crying and we lure him saying that we will give him MYR50, he immediately stops crying. If you didn't keep you promise, he will continue to cry and keep saying: "50" by grasping his hands.

ii) Recently he likes to lie down inside his crib after he wakes up. He didn't want to stand up and refuses anyone from holding him up. So daddy played a trick by saying that he will give him MYR50 if you get out of the crib. Well, our son was smart too, he requested to see the money first before he is willing to move. After we had given him the money then he will only stand up.

He was never bored of slotting money into the "Chicky Bank". After he puts all these coins inside the bank, he will go and open the drawer and find whether are there still more coins left. If not, he will request his daddy to open this "Chicky Bank" and pours out the money and plays the slotting game again and again. He even can say out loud the amount of money, he will say :"10, 20 and 50cent" when put the coins inside.

See him so seriously slotting the coins inside the chick

Actually both of us also don't know whether he understands what is the meaning and purpose of money. Well, seems like he likes money so much. Maybe can consider to create a game using money to teach him the maths as well?

What a day....

Today daddy wanted to take his car to Toyota Centre for service. The initial plan was for mother to drive one car and Ethan sit with daddy in another car. When we are about to get on the cars, Ethan refused to go into daddy's big car. We wanted to put the seatbelt on him but he refused to be buckled. No choice, mother had to drive slowly. After that, we headed to have our breakfast "Dim Sum".

Ethan enjoyed himself at Borders but he walked up and down the stairs where it is used for children and parents to sit down and read books together. This is the StoryTime corner. See Ethan posing for a photo shot below.

Queensbay Mall was having the Shell promotion with the F1 car exhibition. We managed to take one photo of our son with the car.

We had our lunch at "Sushi Kin". We tried to let Ethan eat the Sushi but he did not really like it. So he had to share some food with us.

Hot !! My hand....

This morning we sterilized Ethan's milk bottle, as usual he wanted to press the button to turn on the power. Then before we gone out of the room, mummy told him not to touch the sterilizer machine as it was hot. This guy really does not want to hear advice. He purposely went and touched the top of the sterilizer. He immediately cried because of the pain on his hand. He cried like hell. Daddy placed his hand on the top of the sterilizer to test whether was it really that hot. Daddy said it was very hot, he also could not stand it. Poor Ethan's little fingers. Mother quickly held him up and go to toilet to use water to wash his hand, he refused by holding mother very tightly and crying. Daddy said to put some toothpaste on his hand. He stopped crying when we put the toothpaste on and blew his hand. He stopped crying. He opened his hand very wide and did not dare to close it. Later we washed the toothpaste away. Luckily no red mark on the hand. But he was still "manja" and pointed to one of his fingers and said 'pain'. He shown mother his finger which is still painful. Mother had to put medicine to ensure him that his finger was fine.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Proof! He was very kpc.

My son really "KPC" one. When he sees mother throwing the clothes inside the washing machine, he wants to help. Mother let him take all his dirty clothes from the bucket and put them inside the washing machine. He enjoyed doing the task.

When the clothes were ready to hang. He also wanted to take part by giving mummy the hangers and clips. He even wanted to hang the clothes by himself. As you can see from this photo the clothes behind him was hung by him. He was so proud of having done this. So now, he gets to hang the lower part and mother hang the higher part.

Since he was so good in helping mother. Mother let him have a "Yakult" outside the house especially in good weather.

His kpc case is not only above, few cases shown below:
1) Yesterday he saw grandma carried the single mattress for him to sleep, he was very kpc and quickly gone and held the mattress .

2) When we want to eat vitamin/fish oil pills, he will take the pill from the bottle and put inside our mouth. Luckily he didn't ask to eat for himself.

3) If he pee on the floor, he saw mother uses the towel to lap the floor, he also put his hands on the towel and lap the floor too .

4) Father wants to take water from the big jug, he wants to open and close the tap and fill the water for his father.

5) When we let him washes his hands. Yes, he wants to open and close the water tap and wash himself.
6) Air con, TV and lots of things you have to wait for him to open and close. Sometimes we have to be in dark condition because need to wait for him to switch on the lights.

7) Whenever we put the remote control or keys on the table, he will take these things for us and put inside the drawer. If we put in the wrong drawer he will take it out and put to the correct one.

8) He got a habit that when he is eating on the highchair. After he finishes his food, he will put his empty plate on our dinning table. He will stack all his empty plates for us if we give him lot of plates because we fed him different food. This action has made us easy to take away at one time. Maybe he have seen mother or daddy doing it when we want to clean up the dinning table.

9) Last time mother always take out the yogurt from the fridge. Now he will go and take out the yogurt himself by opening the refrigerator and put it on the table top. He knows later after he finishes dinner he will have one bottle of yogurt.

10) Recently when we want to have him sleep. We cannot help him to put all his stuffs into the crib. If we do this he will yell and take all the stuffs out. He will personally put them inside the crib.

11) When we want to sterilize his milk bottles, he wants to press the button to turn on the power.

12) When we want to pay money, we have to let him hold the money/credit card and hand over to cashier.

13) Paying the car park ticket , we have to let him insert the card and money. Once daddy just pay the ticket without let him do it. He yelled and cried on the spot and refused to go home.

When we do it, he will protest and claim that the job belongs to him. We have to admit that he is really very kpc. But it is good, right? As he learns to be independent. However, it's just that some times being too independent gets to our nerves.