Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Autumn to be end in here....

We have a beautiful community. The landlord had maintained well the environment in the community. It is so nice to see the changing season and the garden scenery. Last time when we were in USA, didn't have to any chance to watch the green leave turning into the yellow, red and orange color. The place we lived in US when came to the fall, all the leaves just fallen down from the tree then immediately just left the trunk. In here we can see the changes.

Took some photos on the way from the school to the club house and on the way walking back home. Nice or not the view in our community?

Central garden

Club house pond and outdoor swimming pool(closed since last month, now only available for indoor pool if wanted to swim)

On the way home

According to the weather forecast, the temperature will be lower than 10 degree on the next day. Shanghai seems like entering winter time. Shanghai always has a short autumn and long winter.

Well, mummy had already well prepared Ethan's winter clothes. Not going to invest more as daddy only has one year assignment in Shanghai...

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