Monday, April 28, 2008

Phonics learning

Mummy had online bought this "Learn to Read" for Ethan. Mummy wants to teach Ethan using the Phonics to read the words. But mummy needs to learn how to use this product before teaching Ethan (actually mummy also doesn't know the Phonics, really ashame ho, just take this opportunity to learn the Phonics for mother as well).

The one Mummy brought were for kindergarten and grade 1 which is meant for children from age 4 to 7. Since Ethan already know how to pronounce the alphabet from A to Z and said some words. Mummy decided that she does not need to buy the baby,toddler and Pre K version for him. Wa jump 3 steps! Crossed the fingers and hope that Ethan will love to learn this or else his parents' money will be flown away.

p/s : Mummy would like to thank sister in law, Veron for handcarrying back these two products, cloth diapers and some gifts for Ethan from US.

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