Sunday, April 20, 2008

Buying New Digital Camera

First we thought that we wanted to buy the new camera when we arrive in Shanghai but after giving it a deep thought we decided to have it in Malaysia. Few points have made us bought it here:-
i) PC fair normally has cheaper or special deal, free gifts especially on the last day which we don't know whether can we get it in Shanghai or not.
ii) Not familiar with Shanghai yet so not sure where to buy the camera

We bought this Canon PowerShot G9 as we wanted to snap the photo when we are in Shanghai and also visit other places. The old camera can still be used but very difficult to snap Ethan nowadays as he just cannot stand still and let you take his photo. This new one has image stabilizer feature.

Tomorrow will try this new camera on Ethan as we bought it quite late at the last day of the PC fair. Need to charge the battery first.

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