Wednesday, April 9, 2008


This morning mummy tried to explain to Ethan that we are going to leave him at Grandpa's house for about 5 days because mummy has to travel with daddy to Shanghai. Seems like Ethan did not really understand as mummy told him that mummy and daddy will take airplane to oversea. At the end, Ethan responded to me by saying : "Papa, airplane". Initially, mummy had struggled whether to accept the preview-trip to Shanghai or not. However daddy insisted that mummy tag along so that mummy can give her opinion about the house. After all we have to live there for a year. Recently Ethan had developed very close attachment to mother. For daddy, there is no problem as daddy always have business trip and our son is already used to it. Remembered back that daddy's first business trip apart from Ethan was when he was still 1 week plus. Till now daddy had uncountable business trip from the day Ethan was born till now.

Well, if counting this trip, this is the forth trip that mummy had to leave Ethan at grandpa's house. First trip was when we visited Taiwan, that time Ethan was still not yet 1 year old. According grandma, Ethan cried loudly 3 times per day looking for mummy. Grandma had a very hard time trying to comfort him. He cried until fallen asleep. 2nd trip was when we visited Japan last year at end of March for personal sakura viewing trip. This time, it was ok with Ethan. Seeing that Japan trip was ok then mummy travel again with daddy to Taiwan for Computex. That time was not ok, Ethan was looking for mummy again.

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