Friday, April 25, 2008

Excessive independence

On one hand we are glad that our son is independent. However, on the other hand we cannot tolerate with his independence. O really headache.

Recently Ethan shows another sign of independence. Mummy received the complaint from grandma that during the week we were in Shanghai, whenever people want to prepare milk for him, he will quickly run beside you and asked to close the lid of the tin of formula milk. Recently it gotten worst and he wants to hold the scoop and put the milk powder into his milk bottle. He wanted to prepare the milk by himself. He will cry out loud when we adults didn't let him do so. Besides this, mummy also gotten complaint from grandma that Ethan wanted to feed baby Wan Ting her milk. He took over the milk bottle from the adult and put into the mouth of the baby. Really terrible!!!

Today, mummy let you hold the water pipe again while mummy was busy cleaning the car porch due to lots of wings from dead inserts. Mummy opened the electric gate. What happen to you, you immediately walked outside the gate and go to water the plant. It was fun to watch over you watering the plant from one pot to another pot. Mummy wanted to take the water pipe from you but you just brushed away mother's hand. Seems like you really enjoy this work so next time this task will be passed to you, my son.

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