Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Panda eye for mummy

These few nights, mummy could not really sleep through the whole night, why? Because Ethan always kicking and rolling here and there inside his crib in the middle of the night. It had happened few times through out the night.

First we thought that he has waken up? Well, actually he was still closing his eyes but his legs kept on kicking and the mouth yelled non stop like he wanted to cry. Don't know whether is it because he was having a bad dream or what? Mummy have tried to tuck him to sleep but his leg non stop kicking till mummy hand was hit few times by his kick. So mummy had to ignore his actions until he automatically stopped the kicking things. Then he will wake up and asked for something, when we gave him then he will continue to sleep. Actually mummy did try to give him his stuff during his kicking but was not successful in calming him. Daddy told mummy that maybe Ethan was dreaming that we don't let him do his kpc things so his protests in his dream.

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