Friday, April 25, 2008

Counting machine

I guessed Ethan really likes counting as we can see that he will count non-stop everything. He can count everything that he sees. Every minute of the day we will hear him counting.
i) Like stepping up the staircase, he will count the steps whenever he steps up or down.
ii) When helping mummy hang the clothes, he will arrange all the hangers on the floor and count them before handing over to mummy
iii) Today when we were at the market, daddy asked him what is that? Hoping that he will say cow but the answer he gave was three cows after he counted the cow. Later on he amended his answer to four cows after he saw another cow not far away from these three. Mummy asked him to look up the sky, he gave mummy the answer - one moon.
iv) He even counted the cars parking at the roadside when he saw them from our bedroom window
v) Sometimes when seeing picture, he just count the things inside the picture
vi) Sometimes he will grasp our hand and count our fingers as well

Yesterday night when daddy wanted to tuck him to sleep after Ethan said good night to his papa and mama but his mouth still non stop counting from 1 to 20. According to daddy, Ethan can say the number up to 40 with some of the pronunciation not accurately. Hope that with his love for counting will make him love maths in future.

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