Monday, December 31, 2007

Last day of 2007

Time flies very fast. Today is the last day of the year 2007. So fast that our son is already 25 months old. Besides this we also stayed at our lovely house for 8 year.

This evening Ethan requested to wear his sport shoes to the car porch. After he wore it, he ran here and there in the car porch. He seems like he knows that the shoe was suitable for him to run. Normally when he wears the normal shoe, he will not run so often. He sweats a lot and the two cheeks are reddish. Later mummy let him ride his tricycle. The place was small as one of daddy's car was inside the car porch. But Ethan still had fun. He exercised a lot so he can eat a lot at dinner.

Oh! Wheel hit the grass and couldn't move anymore.

After dinner mummy showed daddy that Ethan was very happy seeing the Japanese Artist Concert Christmas party show at our laptop. He clapped his hands and yelled when seeing it. Mummy told daddy that she doesn't know whether Ethan knows it or not but she can observe that the Japanese songs are not strange to Ethan as he listens to them almost very day.

Ethan's parent is the fan of Japanese dramas and songs. Parents even try to teach Ethan the Japanese language but only for a short period then have to let go because they do not want to give Ethan pressure. We hope that when Ethan is older a bit then only continue to teach him. Now our focus is only on English and Chinese first then only Bahasa Malaysia and Japanese language.

Summaries of 2007:
Toys and books
- This year Ethan got a lot of toys and also a lot books. Most of his toys were brought from Taiwan and US.
- Ethan have a lot of books which we can already prepared for him up till secondary. Mummy almost bought the whole set of "KEY WORDS WITH LADYBIRD - PETER and JANE" except for 1a and 1b due to think the books was too simple for Ethan. hihi

- This year mummy also kept on buying Ethan a lot of clothes. Not like previous year seldom bought Ethan clothes.

Sick and injection
- Thank God this year Ethan seldom got sick (if sick also mostly gotten the virus from parents). Last year before Christmas, Ethan was admitted to hospital due to high fever and diarrheas.
- Ethan received expensive injection for inoculation this year

Motor Skills
a) Last year Ethan only knew how to crawl but this year he knows how to walk. We are freaked out by his late walking as he nearly hit the deadline of the milestone. Even the doctor said he has to be accessed if he still cannot walk at 18 months old. This might was due to his problem when Ethan was born. He only started to walk at 17 month, it was too late as compared with other kids.
b) Knows how to pedal the tricycle at 24 months old.

- Ethan's hand and eye coordination is quite good as compared to his legs. He manages to do :
a) Shape sorter at 14months old
b) Learned to complete his puzzle at 16 months old and ABC puzzles at 18 months old (doctor said this is advanced as the age recommended was 3 year +)
c) Learned the jigsaw puzzles at 22months old for 12 pieces with/without picture underneath. Today just completely finished 40 pieces puzzles by himself.
d) Knows how to lace the beans at 22 months old
e) Stacking the wooden blocks - highest record was 14 blocks high
f) Knows how to open the bottle cover, unzip and put money into the box saver before 1 year old

- Knows how to talk before his 2 year old birthday. Keep on increases new words by the day. Still doesn't know how to communicate with people
- We have lost count of how many words he knows. For English, I guessed it should be more than 300 words. Chinese words maybe more than 30 words. Conclusion: Ethan learns English faster than Chinese words maybe because English uses 26 alphabet to form a words.
- Start reading aloud the Peter and Jane by himself but only can pronounce about 10% of the book.

- This year mummy had let Ethan eat rice instead of only porridge.
- Everybody complained that food prepared by mummy for Ethan was tasteless as mummy didn't put any light soya and any ajinomoto inside the foods. If mother cooks the soup for Ethan then mother only put a lot of meat and the red prune to make the soup tasty (this one maybe not suitable for adult). Mummy only doesn't want to develop a habit of eating a lot of ajinomoto foods. We seldom let Ethan eat outside foods as we found out that after he has eaten outside foods he will be very thirsty. Of course outside foods got a lot of ajinomoto inside.
- We suspected that Ethan cannot stand the light soya because when grandma cook the foods for Ethan and put these things inside the food. Few days later Ethan will have the reddish spot around his stomach. This things only happen when Ethan ate grandma's cooking. hihi. Even mummy let Ethan eat the light soya but mummy mix a lot of water with it.
- Loves eating the Cheerios and yogurt and yakult
- Haven't tasted the sweet yet. No junk foods for Ethan. Loves to eat chocolate but seldom gets to eat it. The other time finished a lot of the chocolate that daddy bought from Switzerland trip.

- Luckily Ethan didn't develop a habit love to watch TV. This is maybe because his parent also didn't watch TV much. Parent's record was that one week and more didn't switch on the TV at all. Even sometimes parent watch TV, Ethan likes to play the TV remote control but not really wanted to watch the TV. He likes books most.
- When Ethan was a small, he loved to watch
" Baby Einstein". However, these past few months he refuses to watch it. He likes to watch the "Brainy baby" but not for long period of time. Tried to let him see Barney but he only can stand for a while then turned away to do other things. When Ethan was small, he also liked to watch the "Baby Can Read" video. Actually this video was quite boring as the video only show the words and picture but somehow don't why he loved it.

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