Friday, December 28, 2007

Practising the vocal

Seems like when Ethan learned how to talk before his 2 years old birthday, he keep on practicing every words. So you can see that everyday he can learn a new words. Mummy had to said "Phew!" as before that mummy was quite worried about Ethan's progress. Basically Ethan has two things that freaked up his parents. They were late in walking and talking.

Everyday we can hear him counting and talking. Now he already can count to 20 but still has missing some number in between 1 to 20. He still cannot manage to pronounce number 4 and 7 (1 to 10). So funny things was whenever Ethan went inside his playroom he will walk to switch on the radio and when he hear the music from the radio he will dance.

Mummy wants to let Ethan put all the 40 pieces jigsaw puzzle by himself without mummy's help. However it seems like it is still too early as he only got it few days ago and only play with it for 1 or 2 time per day. What to expect? But he is improving every time he plays it. Until now he already managed to put up to 90% by himself. He was frustrated when he cannot match the next puzzle. He will yell and cry.

Ethan has improved in pedaling the tricycle, mummy thinks that Ethan was quite fast knowing how to pedal. This could be due to him practicing walking up and down the staircases by himself every day. Up and down the staircases actually had strengthens his leg's muscle. When you touch his leg's muscle it will feel like his meat quite hard.

Some of the toys that we have bought for Ethan when he was small that time, he did not show any interest. One of them is the wooden block daddy bought in US. Now we took it out and let him play, he likes it maybe because now he knows how to pronounce the numbers and ABC printed on the blocks. He likes to stack the blocks higher and higher and push them down.

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