Sunday, December 30, 2007

New toy for Ethan and crazy artist

This morning we went to Tesco to buy some stuffs for Ethan. On the way there in the car, we played the children song "ABCD" on the CD player. Ethan sang together with the song as shown video captured by mummy at that moment. Apart from singing along with songs, Ethan also likes to dance to any songs, Chinese, English, Japanese, sometimes only music.

Listen carefully for the few words of A to Z that Ethan sang along

Mummy brought Ethan additional 2 new 40 pieces puzzle and some manila card for making some books for Ethan. Hopefully can finish it soon.

Recently Ethan likes to use crayon to scribble around here and there. A lot of our cabinet, wall, computer mouse and etc cannot escape from his itchy scribbling hands. Every time he walked up the staircases, he will point to the wall and tell us there was a mark in the wall. Of course, this is the mark left by him with his crayon. Daddy will remind him that he is the culprit. Hearing it, he laughs. Besides this, he also likes to rip the wrapping off his crayons. Mummy had to keep the crayons away in order to stop him. See the picture of his work on the crayon.

Some of the crayons don't have the paper to cover the body

We went to Jusco at Queensbay Mall. There are the Jusco toys section, Ethan saw a Barney doll. He got so hooked up with the doll that he hugged and kissed it.

Ethan with near his size Barney doll.

At Toys'r'us, Ethan took opportunity to play with various types of toys. This time he tried hands on the hula hoop.

Ethan got some new toy from Toys'r'us, we used up all our vouchers to buy this toy. He quite like it. Seeing him knocked the xylophone on the toy.

Quite pity daddy as daddy has to carry this toy whenever Ethan go (requested by our son)

We have gone to the Borders bookstore and hope that we can order the "Hocked on Phonics" for Ethan. However, it seems like the product categories was not matching with what mummy wanted. So I guess we have to buy it in US. Hopefully daddy will have business trip to US soon.

While at Borders bookstore, we were sitting at the children corner reading some board books to Ethan. There was a particular numbers board book that Ethan opened to read. When he saw the picture of a number of cars lined up to form the some number, Ethan began to point to the cars one by one and said out loud, "CAR CAR CAR ...". Came to a picture of eggs lining to form numbers, he pointed to the eggs and say out loud one by one, "Egg Egg Egg Egg ...". He kept on repeating until the last egg. It was so funny that when mummy observed him doing this - mummy couldn't help laughing. :-)

Mummy still hadn't completely completed the flashcards. So mummy just let Ethan play with some of those completed ones. Amazingly, some of the words Ethan already knew how to pronounce them. Daddy and mummy were surprised with the result. E.g. Ethan handed the word card and pronounce to mummy "jacket". Mummy only realize that he actually knows how to pronounce the words. Then we were so excited and showed other words card to Ethan and asked him to pronounce them. He actually managed to pronounced them to us. We were so happy for our hard work has paid off.

We didn't really teach him the words yet. Only if the books have the words then we just read to him and we didn't expect him to remember them. We noticed that when Ethan looks at the books, normally he will notice the words first before looking at the picture.

Recently, we taught Ethan to read the Peter and Jane book by himself. Actually he knows all the words inside the books but only that he cannot pronounce them all. Remembered back to the first time that I have read these books to Ethan. When I asked him where is the dog, car, ball and etc he will point to the words instead the picture of the books. We also noticed that he likes to link a lot of same things together. Like some example, when he saw a word in one particular book, he will go and find another book with the same words and then point to us indicating that these two are the same. Even the homemade books with the same picture he will also informed us. We only realize it was the same after he showed them to us. Indeed he has a sharp eye and a good memory.

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