Saturday, December 8, 2007

Daddy was back from business trip

Today daddy was back from business trip. Finally Ethan gets to eat his favorite "Cheerios" . This time daddy bought two boxes together with the free books inside the box. Those 2 boxes of extra big Cheerios had filled almost half of daddy's luggage. Since daddy also bought other stuffs for father-in-law and sister-in-law, it ended up that daddy had to carry 1 box of Cheerios in his backpack instead of putting into the big luggage. Luckily Cheerios is not heavily, it is just taken up in volume and not weight! Daddy's friend, Chong who promoted Cheerios to him also asked one of daddy's manager, SM to carry back 2 big boxes for his daughter.

Ethan posing in front of his "Cheerios"

Mummy glanced through the books but they are not suitable for Ethan yet as the words were so small. Only the words "YOU" is big. It was few weeks back that Ethan didn't eat this cereal because we ran out of supply. He missed it so much. So yesterday dinner time mummy had easy way to feed Ethan because he was putting his favorite cereal into his porridge. Recently Ethan refused to finish his food. He only want to eat yogurt. So in order to let him eat his food we have to encourage him like stacking the yogurt bottle, playing his garden sets etc. Now having this cereal is more easy as he is willing to sit inside his high chair.

Recently mummy felt like Ethan was quite bored with his toys. He played for a while then he refuses to play with it again and want to walk out of his playroom. Mummy is having headache on what are the toys that are suitable for Ethan's age. Need to think harder.

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